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How to set up a wired PC network?
posted Feb 17, 2014, 1:17 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Feb 17, 2014, 1:18 AM ]

Safe levels from smart meters
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:39 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – I have a Corner ED78S and am having a terrible time trying to determine safe readings as no one offers info on exactly what is and isn’t hazardous. There are 3 smart meters under my office and I need to know if my shielding is effective. Do I use RF, LF, am I looking for high decimal numbers or will the color lights be indication enough? Can you please clarify? Thank you for the terrific website and info, A – Hi Thanks for getting back to be. Thanks for taking the time to read the instructions on my website. You need to measure the RF levels. You need to look at the numbers, the light is just an aid, not a tool. Please see more info regarding the ED78 on this video – LF(actually ELF) levels will exist just feet or two next to the meter.RF levels should be picked up even 10 meters, or more, from a single meter. If you are an EHS person my recommendation is that the meter should show in RF00 mode 0.0005 If you are not an EHS person then 0.04 will be OK for start. Please take a look on the levels page – In any case, if you find an RF source try to reduce the exposure from it, either by not using it, moving it away or by RF protection and shielding. The effect of the shielding should be tested next to the shielding, a few feet away and in the places that people spend time next to the source. Regarding RF protection and shielding please take a look (if you haven’t already done that) at – Safe levels for EHS people on the CORNED ED78 |

How to protect my kid’s bedroom from an electric meter?
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:34 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Jul 23, 2017, 2:16 PM ]
Q – I have an Electrical Meter box mounted to the outside wall of the Bedroom where my child sleeps. Do you think my child will be exposed to Low-Frequency Radiation & if so what should I do to stop this from happening & What is the best way to measure any radiation coming through? A – The old electric meters emit ELF(Extreme Low Frequency) EMF and the new digital wireless meters emit also RF radiation, so in order to measure if there is some electromagnetic Fields(EMF) exposure you need to measure both ELF(Extreme Low Frequency) and RF(Radio Frequency) EMF. First step – measurements The first step will be to measure the ELF and RF levels in the bedroom and on the wall where the meter is installed on its other side. You can do it by inviting a specialist to do the measurement or to buy RF+ELF meters and DIY (do it your self). I recommend buying the meters and do the measurements your self. I think that the DIY style road of action is better since you will be able to repeat the test when and where ever you would like. A good meter for ELF EMR is the TRI FIELD 100XE meter, but it can’t measure RF – TRI FIELD 100XE meter. A good meter for RF EMR is the CORNET ED88TPLUS meter, but it’s ELF abilities are not as good as in the TRI FIELD (they are good enough) Second step – protection If while measuring you will see high levels of RF and/or ELF-EMF protection will be needed.RF protection is relatively easier and ELF protection is much more complected and more expensive. Please see my site for RF protection ( ) and for ELF protection ( ) You can order most of the items via my selling site – The ELF protection should be big enough to reduce all the ELF fields created by the meter at max power used time. The RF protection should usually be as big as the wall. ELF protection for a smart meter |

Could you kindly suggest how to shield my house?
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:30 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Jan 10, 2016, 12:14 AM ]
Q – My main concern at this moment is the wi-fi RF pollution my house is getting from the neighbors and a cell-tower (I can detect 9 different wifi connections from inside my house!!). I disconnected my wifi device, but I would like to find a solution to all these RF signals penetrating my house. A – I suggest you handle the condition in 3 steps. If you are an EHS person please tell me and I will suggest an additional step: Step 1!I suggest you buy an RF/ELF EMR meter and search for the ‘hot sports” on your walls and windows where the RF radiation is entering your house, and also detect other RF and EMR sources inside your house and to replace the RF sources( cellphones, cordless phones, Bluetooth equipment and other wireless devices) with device that do not emit any RF and also to make sure no ELF source is located near people. This is the meter I recommend for first use – of the meter – Info about EMR reduction – Step 2!RF from the cellphone antenna usually comes into the house from the windows. It is easy to protect the windows either by RF blocking film or RF blocking curtains.RF blocking curtains can be made from most types of RF blocking fabrics – Step 3!WIFI can also come in via walls. It is very difficult to block 100% of it but you can reduce the levels by using RF blocking paint or RF blocking wallpaper. The wallpaper is more efficient since it also absorbs some of the radiation when the paint mostly reflects it. RF blocking wallpaper RF windows protection |

Can you help Target Individuals?
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:24 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Feb 19, 2015, 8:35 PM ]
A – I know a bit about electronic attack of TIs (Targeted Individuals), mostly from people who contacted me in the past asking for help. From what they told me, most of the symptoms they have experienced can be linked, connected or caused by Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity – EHS condition and EMF exposure. Since most people don’t understand Electromagnetic Radiation, most people don’t know that using cellphones and wireless devices exposes them to RF and ELF on a daily basis, and don’t know that this exposure can lead to health effects and EHS-TI symptoms. Most people that already feel the symptoms, don’t connect the dots and don’t understand that what they experience might actually be an EHS condition or caused by EMF exposure. Most TI that I talked with, use their cellphone, have a wireless PC and router, use wireless devices and are exposed to RF and ELF daily. Some of them even bought RF protection hats and clothes from my e-store ( but continued to use their wireless and cellphone devices. I believe that a person that will buy personal RF protection clothes and hats but will continue to use wireless and cellphone devices, will not reduce exposure, will not measure his/her house for EMF and will not block EMF coming from outside the house (or office), as TI sometimes tend to do, will not feel the full effect of the RF personal protection hats an clothes (most of the time will think the protection clothes are not working). My recommendations for TIs are the same as to every EHS person: Do “The 4 steps program” – know, monitor, reduce protect. Following “The 4 steps program” should bring improvement and ease up the symptoms after a while. After doing the first 3 steps (learning about EMR, reduction of the use of wireless devices and measuring the RF levels in his house) a TI person will feel the full benefit of using also personal protection such as RF protection hats, Jackets and pants and some home protection products such as RF blocking canopies, RF blocking paint, and RF blocking window film. In short: My recommendation for every TI is to buy an RF/ELF meter and measure the EMF (both Radiofrequency and Extreme Low Frequency) radiation in his house, especially in your bedroom. Find all the ELF sources and move them away as much as possible. Find all the RF source and get rid of them (change with none radiating devices). Find all the RF and ELF penetration points to your house and block them using products such as the products I have on my site. Reduce your use of cellphones and other wireless devices to emergency only situations. If needed wear clothes and hats from RF blocking fabrics. I believe that most TIs will feel better after doing these steps. amirb |
How to get a low radiation cordless phone in US/CANADA?
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:23 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Jan 24, 2014, 9:46 PM ]

A – First of all please note that there is no such thing as a safe cordless phone, every cordless phone emits Radio Frequency (RF) radiation when using it. DECT phones are the worse as their base station emit RF all the time. Update – 11-2013 – recently it is possible to find real ECO DECT phones in the USA and CANADA. It is not easy to find them. You need to search for a single SIEMENSE GIGAHEARZ phone with ECO DECT and ECO DECT PLUS features. Then you need to test with RF meter to make sure the feature is working. It seems like someone does not want the Americans and Canadians to have low radiation phones. Please see the instructions below that might help you with your search for an ECO DECT phone. Press here to read more info about cordless phones. In the US and Canada, there were no real ECO DECT phones on the market until 2013. Recently I found some ECO DECT phones on the north America SIEMENS web site. I am not sure they are really ECHO DECT, you need to make sure with the suppliers. Please read more at In addition, you can always order from EU or other countries and risk that some of the options will not work in the US or Canada (custom might not release the phone). A second thing you can do is go to several stores and search for cordless phone that does not have the “DECT” logo or technology, then you need to test the phones with an RF meter (like the CORNET ED88TPLUS or even the simple ENV RD10 if you can find it) and make sure the phone base station does not emit RF radiation all the time. In general, some of the old cordless phones, that do not support several handset units and work with 27Mhz, 900MHz, and 2.4GHz may prove to be “low radiation”.Please send me the link to the store so I can take a look and try to guess if the phone in question is not a DECT phone. I am sorry but this is the only way. If you do find such a modal please let me know ( and I will alert others. |
Does WIFI adjust their transmitting power according to the signal strength
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:10 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – Do you know if laptops with wifi do adjust their transmitting power according to the signal strength of the router? So, when close to a router, will the output power of the laptop be very low or will it be always the same, no matter what the distance is? A – As far as I know laptops always emit the highest possible signal. In case of any errors, more info will be transmitted again and again which will cause for more exposure in the time and frequency scale. I recommend using a wired PC network if you must use a wireless network (router and PCs) to try to keep as much distance between you, the router and the wireless network card. Please see more details in my site at: and |

Radiation from DECT handset compared to the base station
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:08 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad

Why is it so complex to measure RF radiation from cellphones?
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:06 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
A – Most RF meters actually measure the electric field (in V/m2 units) and then calculate the RF levels (in mW/m2 or uW/cm2).This calculation is possible and correct only if done in the far-field. Therefore if you use an RF meter to measure RF from a cell phone right next to it you will not get the right levels. What you can get is an indication that there is radiation (and this is what I try to show in my videos).In order to measure the RF from a cell phone, you need to measure it in the far-field and then to calculate the levels that are next to the phone. Another may do it is to use electric field meters (I have 2 and in some of the videos I use them). But this is not the end of the story. Cell Phone emits high RF radiation in high frequencies (most of the time more than one frequency) but also low frequency electric and magnetic fields. You need also to measure them and to take them into consideration. Measuring all the levels in all the frequencies emitted by a cellphone is very problematic and very complicated. Please see Radiation from cellphones page on this site. Please see the following videos: Video clip:RF radiation from cellphone at different distances Video clip: Different types of radiation from cellphones |

Do wired (usb, microphone) ear piece emits radiation, compared to a Bluetooth ear piece?
posted Nov 7, 2013, 1:04 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
A – In general wired equipment emit no Radio Frequency (RF) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). It may however emit some Low frequencies. When connecting to a cellphone some of the RF EMR may make it way up the wire and to your ear/head. Compared to a Bluetooth earpiece, I would use wired earpiece at any time. Bluetooth emits RF EMR all the time it is coupled with the cellphone (which does the some, emitting RF EMR when coupled with a Bluetooth earpiece. Please see the following clips: |

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