What do I need an EMF meter for if I am an EHS person
posted Jan 6, 2016, 10:07 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Jan 7, 2016, 9:16 AM ]
Q- What for do I need an EMF meter if I am an EHS person, I can feel the radiation right away. A- I think this assumption is one of the biggest mistakes EHS people do. I think that in today’s world every person, especially an EHS person, needs an EMF meter. This has nothing to do with the fact we do sell EMF meters. If only we can do without, but we can’t If we EHS people would be able to detect the RF and ELF levels and sources all the time, every time and in every location, we would be able to do without a meter. We would be able to find and remove any RF sources, keep safety distance from the ELF source, and block every RF radiation from coming into the house or workplace. The problem is that we can’t. EHS people can scene the EMF, to some extent, and will feel bad when around EMF radiation. But we are not able to objectively know the levels, direction, sources or find the penetration points of EMF. On the other hand, a meter operated by a person will be able to do that. EHS people do feel bad when surrounded by EMF, but most EHS people will feel very back, very soon, and will not be able to detect or debug the EMF for long. Their feeling is subjective and Pretty soon they will just feel so bad that they will not be able to do anything. Not every EHS reacts to all types of EMF In addition not, every EHS people react the same to every type of EMF. For some, it will take time to react to some types of EMF, and when they will react to it they will not be in a condition to understand what is going on. It is important to understand that for EHS person every exposure is not recommended, even in cases he/she is not affected by right away. If an EHS person will keep on exposing himself/herself to EMF, that for now he/she does not react to, there is a big chance he/she will eventually be sensitive also to that type of EMF. An EMF meter will be able to show you EMF types you are not sensitive to (yet) so you will be able to limit and reduce your exposure to it. EHS observations are subjective, the meter is objective (right away and every time) An EMF meter allows you to objectively know the levels, find the sources, find safety distances from ELF sources, find penetration points of EMF into your house or office, see it and when protection is working, and find out ways to use your electronic devices in a way that will be the less problematic. With a meter, you know right away, every time. You don’t have to wait for your body to react and you can keep on testing even if you already feel too bad to notice any change in the EMF levels or condition. “I can do without” Many EHS people I meet think they can do without an EMF meter. Usually, these people come back half a year, after their condition has become worse. “It is too expensive!” Some people(including EHS people) think the meter is too expensive. This is while they keep on buying new smartphones (that are a big contributor to their EHS condition) that cost hundreds of $, and while keep paying the cell phone provider lots of money every month. “I do not want to buy a meter since this means I have a problem” Some EHS people (more than you would think) tells me they don’t want a meter because this means they have a problem, that they are EHS people. They do not want to recognize their EHS condition and think that buying a meter will mark them in their own mind as “I have a problem”. I think that this approach is irrational, not logical and can lead to worsening of their EHS condition. Avoiding a problem is not going to make it better, getting tools to deal with it might improve things. For more info about EMF meter, please see our EMF meter page (press here) Currently(10/2019) the most recommended EMF meter for home use is the CORNET ED88TPLUS |

WIFI signal from a laptop when WIFI is turned OFF?
posted Dec 24, 2015, 10:55 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – I have a laptop from 2009. When it has 10.6.8 installed, it appears that it does not cause me problems. BUT, when it has 10.8+ installed, it appears that it is trying to contact a wifi station or a cell tower and I can’t sleep in the same building with it.. I have no WIFI at home and the laptops’ is connected via an internet cable, is this possible? A – I suspect that what happens to you is that you feel the PC looking for WIFI networks, or other wireless networks, even when the WIFI is OFF. This happened to me before. Some operation systems do that, In addition, there are some applications and programs that do that. Please see this video that I took a few years back when it happened to me. https://youtu.be/vZCYdNSX6l0 The way to stop this from happening is to disable the wireless hardware from the device driver (in WIN-XP, WIN7, WIN8, WIN10, not sure how to to it on OS). Maybe your friend will know. I do recommend getting an EMF(ELF+RF) meter, so you will be able “see” the radiation, to find all the sources, understand when, why and what they are emitting, manage them so that they will not, check and verify they don’t emit RF any more, and also find the penetration points of the RF to your house and block then. Please see more info about the EMF meter- https://www.norad4u.com/measure/home-use-emf-emr-elf-rf-meters-and-detectors/cornet-ed88tplus-emf-rf-elf-m-elf-m-meter/ I hope this info helps.amirb In the picture – Disable the WIF card from the Device Driver |

How and Why to ground my RF Protection
posted Nov 7, 2014, 7:28 PM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Nov 7, 2014, 7:30 PM ]
A – As far as grounding of RF protection goes, it helps to reduce the static charge and ELF electric fields from the protective surface. In cases that the RF radiation is strong, the grounding might also improve the ability of the protection used to block the RF radiation. In some cases, it would be impossible for us grounding, especially in curtains, canopies. In most cases, RF protection will help also without grounding. The proper grounding will be to the real earth outside after you test there are no ground micro currents and after making sure that the grounding is good. I don’t recommend using the house electric ground since most of the time it is not a “clean” ground. My best advice on this issue is to call a professional EMF grounding expert. Please also see “Ground loops and Ground micro currents“ |

My neighbor constantly bombarding me with radio signal
posted Nov 3, 2014, 2:14 PM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Oct 5, 2016, 1:35 AM ]
Q – I have a problem with my neighbor constantly bombarding me with some form of a radio signal that cannot be blocked by earplugs but sends me whistling noises all day long. Can you tell me which meter I should buy and how would I pinpoint the sender? If you know what sort of electronic equipment would be able to transmit these waves could you let me know as the local people don’t seem to think that it can be done? regards. A- All wireless equipment that you or your neighbor use can be the source of that RF radiation. Please see – https://www.norad4u.com/knowledge/emr-sources-by-frequency#TOC-High-frequencies: If the sources are inside your house, you just need to turn them off. If the sources are outside the house, you need to use RF protection to block it from coming into your house.https://www.norad4u.com/emr-protection/rf-protection The way to pin-point the penetration point to your house (and also the source inside your house) is by using an EMF meter. I recommend the CORNET ED78S – https://www.norad4u.com/monitor/home-emr-meters/cornet-ed78 (or the newer-better CORNET ED88T)This meter can measure both RF and ELF fields. When you will have the meter you will be able to scan the house for sources and the walls and windows for penetration points. For more info about how to measure the EMF radiation and find the sources please see at – https://www.norad4u.com/measure/emf-measurements-in-details/ I hope this info helps. Amirb (see pictures below) Step 1 – find and remove all wireless devices Step 2 – scan the walls and windows, with an EMF meter, for RF/ELF penetration points Step 3 uses RF Blocking material to block the RF coming into your house. RF PROTECTION |

Ground loops and Ground micro-currents
posted Oct 30, 2014, 12:13 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Nov 7, 2014, 7:19 PM ]

Long-distance travel, the transport/ method of choice for EHS?
posted Oct 18, 2014, 12:11 PM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Mar 15, 2017, 9:55 AM ]
Q – Can I also ask you personally your approach to long-distance travel, the transport/ method of choice for EHS? A – Regarding long-distance traveling, as a moderate EHS, I can’t travel by plans, ship, train or bus. The only way I can still travel is by a car while using RF protection (Hats, Jackets, and poncho). I also consider putting RF blocking windows’ film on the car windows but still did not get to do it yet. For EHS, the only way I think is reasonable for long-distance travel is by plane. Not because is it has no EMF, it has a lot of EMF, but because the flight is short. I recommend trying to get a flight without WIFI and asking to sit as far away as possible from other people who use their electronic devices during the flight. In addition, it is recommended to build up your EMF resistance by not being exposed to EMF for a few days-weeks before the flight and taking your food supplements a few days before the flight. I don’t recommend to fly alone. Someone should be there with you in order to help you cope with the symptoms, other people and the procedures (it is hard when you have brain fog and headaches). You should also consider personal protection and clothes and ask not to pass via the X-Ray security scan. The flight: 1. Stay away from long lines, keep a safe distance from people with cellphones and wireless devices. 2. When boarding the plan, wait next to the line for the last moment so you will be as less time on the plan when everyone sends his last text message or phone call. 3. Chose a flight without WIFI. 4. If possible ask to sit away from other people. 5. ask not to pass via X-RAY based security tests/screening. Ask to be tested manually. 6. In the airport, try to stay away from the windows (RF from radar and communication systems is coming in). 7. If needed use RF Protection in the plan. 8. Take food supplements (GABA+Anti oxidants before, and after the flight see more info – https://www.norad4u.com/q-a/longdistancetravelthetransportmethodofchoiceforehs In the Hotel: 1. Chose a hotel that does not have cell tower on top or opposite to. 2. Take your EMF meter with you, test for RF and ELF in the hotel room. 3. Take mylar blankets with you, in case you need temp protection for RF on the windows and walls. |

What is the sound feedback feature in RF meters?
posted Oct 17, 2014, 5:39 PM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Oct 30, 2014, 12:22 AM ]
Q – What is the sound feedback feature in RF meters? A – The sound function of most RF meters that have it is based on turning the modulation of the signal (the number of times it starts and ends) to sound. Every RF signal has a special sound fingerprint, which the meter can help you hear and you can identify (after some practice).In addition, the CORNET ED78S has an alarm feature that can be set to 0,-5,-10,-15 and-20 dbm. When the RF level will accede the levels set the alarm will go off. |

We live 70 meters from a cell antenna cluster, how to protect?
posted Aug 20, 2014, 2:08 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – Hi, My wife is EHS, we live 70 meters from a 10 cell cluster on the top of a low (3 story) building. We have measured activity with the accoustimeter and had readings that pulse off the top of the scale sometimes, but are OK at others. I was wondering about the use of a shielding fabric (as a sleeping bag cover as a start) would be likely sufficient to provide relief. My wife wakes about 3 am every night and talks of the towers “streaming” so she feels “zapped” (her words) and is very sleep deprived. We have considered moving but would like to defend until we can move. Any suggestions to help this would be most appreciated. What is a way to “try” a small bit to see what likely works as there is a lot of stuff you can try and find it doesn’t (wasting time and money). Finally, what a great site and resource, you have done a tremendous job and are doing a great service. I salute you. A – Hello, I am sorry to hear that you are living next to a cell cluster and that your wife suffers from EHS.Thanks for the nice words about my site. Please let me know if I can use your nice words on this page on my site – https://www.norad4u.com/home/thank-you-letters Measurement: I recommend using your acoustimeter to measure the house and search for RF penetration points. Most probably the windows will allow most of the RF radiation in and they should be the first step of protection. RF protection: RF protection should be done in layers, from the outside in. The second principle would be to move from cheap to more expensive protection. You can install RF protection windows’ film on the windows, or use curtains from RF blocking net fabric. Curtains can be moved also to your new apartment. After you manage to reduce the RF levels inside the apartment using windows’ protection (measure the RF levels inside the apartment to verify this) you can try Canopies from RF blocking fabric. The canopy might help even if you don’t use RF protection on the windows, but it is more logical to first block the RF from coming into your house. If the walls also let the RF in, you need to consider also using wall protection (RF blocking paint for external walls, and wallpapers for internal walls). A sleeping bag from RF blocking fabric might also work, but again, it is more logical to protect the windows first, if possible. On the other hand, a sleeping bag might be cheaper than windows protection or a canopy. Some people also use the SHEILDON 240 fabric as a blanket – http://www.4ehsbyehs.com/rf-blocking-fabrics/shieldon-240. A piece of 1.5X2 meters should be enough for a single blanket. I also use a Hat with RF blocking fabric inside the house to protect myself from RF that menage to penetrate the RF protection I have. In addition, you can order Mylar material as a temp RF blocking material for the windows, please see – https://www.norad4u.com/buy-emf-products/emergencymylarthermalblanketspackof10You can find it also on eBay. Reminder: When using RF protection, go from the outside in and from the cheap to the more expensive. Please note that for EHS people even a very low level of EMF is too much. amirb |

How to protect from a cell phone tower?
posted Aug 16, 2014, 11:15 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – Three of our family having difficulties in living a normal life—we believe it is due to cell phone tower placed within 150 feet of our homes – can this be possible – no one here wants to help us – would appreciate any help you can give. A – I recommend my “4 step program” which will allow you to improve your condition. The program is based on know what EMF is, measure it, reduce use and exposure and when there is no other option, to use EMF protection materials in order to block it or absorb it. After learning what EMF and RF are, I recommend buying the CORNET ED78 RF/ELF meter that will allow you to measure the EMF levels in your house, find the RF and ELF sources inside it and the penetration points from outside. Then you will be able to remove the sources away and in case of RF sources such as tablets, WIFI routers, cordless phones, smartphones, and wireless PC stop or minimize the use (up to not using them at all). Then it would be time to use RF protection to block the RF coming from the cellphone towers. You should also check for “smart meters” on or in your house. In most case these operations, if done correctly will help to reduce the symptoms. Please take a look at my EHS page and see if the symptoms you are having are the same as explained in the article – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs. Regarding the RF coming from the cellphone antenna, the first protection step would be to shield the windows using an RF blocking film or/and curtains from RF blocking fabrics. If some RF is also coming from the walls you can paint the outside of the wall (if you have access to it) with RF blocking paint. If you don’t have access to the outside of the wall facing the antenna you can use RF blocking wallpaper on the inside of the wall. More products info is available on my eStore site: Meters – http://www.4ehsbyehs.com/emr-meters EMF protection – http://www.4ehsbyehs.com/rf-protection I hope this info helps. Please let me know if this info makes some sense to you. amir In the picture the radiation vertical patterns from a cell phone tower |

How to protect my bedroom from a smart meter
posted Feb 18, 2014, 9:57 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Feb 18, 2014, 9:58 AM ]
Q – The smart meter installed on one of the walls of my bedroom makes it impossible to sleep, what should I do? A – This happens to so many people. I suggest doing the next few steps: 1. Until you solve the issue, please sleep in a different room as far as possible from the smart meter. 2. Check about the “Option Out” program with your local electricity company. 3. Use an RF & ELF meter to measure the RF and ELF and levels caused by the smart meters in the rooms of the house and on the wall it is installed on or next to. Find the “Hot Spots”. 4. Remove the bed and working desk as far as possible from the smart meter. 5. Use RF protection to reduce the RF entering your house. Install the RF protection all over the wall the smart meter is installed on. Sometimes it is needed to protect also other walls or the ceiling. 6. Use ELF protection to reduce the ELF entering your house. See also “How to protect my kid’s bedroom from an electric meter?“ 7. Repeat step #3(RF & ELF measuring) and see if the protection is working and if you managed to reduce the RF and ELF penetration to your house. If needed improve the protection buy changing it or putting a second layer. 8. In case that you still feel the RF transmission consider using RF blocking fabrics (like the SHIELDON240) as a blanket or RF blocking canopies. |