Are CRT worse than LCD or LED?
posted Oct 15, 2016, 9:06 PM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Oct 15, 2016, 9:56 PM ]
Q – Hi “NoRad” I’m interested in your view of CRT TV sets. Is the radiation from those, compare to a LCD display, worse? I’ve read of people that don´t feel bad from CRT but do feel from LCD, even though the CRT naturally uses higher power.Do you have any experience in this? Thanks A – Hello Yes, CRT have much more ELF magnetic and electric fields than LCD display. In addition you can even find LCD/LED displays with external power supply, making the ELF emission even lower. Some people might be OK with CRT (from some distance) but feel bad from LCD or LED display because of one of the following reasons: 1. Blue light emitted from the screen (fix – change the color scheme so there will be less blue light). 2. Mid frequency EMF emitted from the screen (fix – use a LCD/LED screen protection).3. RF radiation emitted from the screen in case it is wireless (fix – test before buy, make sure your screen is not wireless, or find a way to turn off the wireless functions). 4. Dirty Electricity created by the screen (fix – use DR filters) 5. Light flicker (fix set brightness to 100% in LED screen)I hope this cover all. All the bestamirb In the picture – PC’s LCD screens |

ELF Magnetic Field Protection
posted Jun 22, 2016, 1:58 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – We live by large power lines. Is there something I can buy to re-direct the magnetic field away from our house? A – Hello If I was you I would get and EMF meter to map the house and find out if there is a problem and what is the source. In addition to an outside power line, the ELF magnetic field can be generated by bad wiring, grounding problems, electric equipment and so on. After knowing what the source is we can try to reduce exposure. In case that the ELF magnetic field is coming from the street -outside, there is very little that can be done. You can change the placement of furniture so that people will be less exposed. Please see more info on my info site: EMF meters – EMF measurement DIY – EMF so-called safety standards – EMF ELF Protection – I hope this info helps. Thanks and best regards Amir B. |

How to find a low EMF, EHS friendly holiday accommodation?
posted Apr 28, 2016, 9:52 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Oct 1, 2016, 11:21 AM ]
Q – Hi, I’m ehs and I am desperately trying to find holiday accommodation with no WiFi. There doesn’t seem to be any website offering this service. Apart from the Victoria refuge site which has 6 listing’s all in Vic it tas. There must be many places available but all list ‘free wifi’. I wish people would get over the WiFi thing. Any help would be very appreciated. Sincerely L – Australia A – Hello I am also an EHS person. I have no info about a database for EHS friendly hotels. I can’t sustain high levels, and try to be in levels that are lower than 0.005mW/m2 (if possible even less than 0.0005mW/m2). When I travel, I take with me the EMF meter (CORNET ED78 or ED88T are recommended) and some cheap temp RF Protection (like Mylar). I search for a place that has no view of a cellphone tower, no cellular towers on top or around. I use google street view, and local cellular tower maps to search for it. Then I call the place and ask them if they have WIFI and where the routers are placed (routers are in the rooms or just at the lobby). I also ask if there are micro cellular antennas in the corridor. If possible I ask if there is a vacancy to a room as far as possible from the nearest router, access point or cellular microcell antenna. I get to the place and test for radiation. I use mylar protection if needed. If all good I recommend to others. In addition, I looked at TripAdvisor and there seem to be some people that report EHS/EMF issues in hotels they visit, like this one - think it is a great idea, I hope many more will follow. For example, this is the “club in hotel” in Eilat, Israel (wifi only at the reception), some of the inear rooms are out of sight of cellphone mast – Another example is the Dor beach resort, in Israel (wifi in the reception), cellphone must in the distance, some parts of the beach have very little RF. – WADI ROSH PINA – in the northern part of Israel has very low RF levels after you tern the WIFI off. Video – In addition please see this site with hotels without WIFI (which is only one of the requirements) – I hope this info helps. amirb |
Please advise on clothing I can get to help mask the radiation
posted Apr 2, 2016, 11:31 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Apr 2, 2016, 11:32 AM ]
Q -” Hi , i’m extremely radiation sensitive, have battled autoimmune illnesses for years, suddenly realized they all started when I started using computers. Neon lights have always affected me.I’ve hugely cut down on my cellphone and computer usage, cut out the TV (and my illnesses have improved), but there is wifi everywhere, even on buses in the UK. I can’t spend too long trawling through your very comprehensive site as it’s making me feel ill, so please can you advise me on which clothing items I should get to help mask the radiation I can’t avoid? And please can you comment on the lead-lined clothing used by XRay professionals? I have to use my laptop a little bit for banking etc. At present I’m using a shield I made out of tinfoil, I don’t know if it helps at al., perhaps a little. I have in the past bought supposedly EMR blocking devices from 0000000 but they didn’t work at all so I sent them back.I’m currently trying to find accommodation with no wifi but it’s very difficult, and something that protects me would obviously be good. Kind regards” A – Hello and thanks for your email. I would suggest to do the following: 1. Watch my original video lectures, they are not long, and it might be easier to watch than to read the text- 2. If you don’t have an EMF meter yet, get one, I recommend the New CORNET ED88T. It will allow you to measure the RF/ELF-magnetic and EMF electric levels in your house, find RF sources and remove then, find ELF sources and keep safety distance from them, find RF penetration points and us RF protection to block them. 3. RF Protection Clothes – This is the link to our product line – I suggest starting with a hat or lining – for example this one – 4. PC arrangement – make sure your computer is completely wired. arrange it in such a way that the computer, modem, router, and other parts are as far as possible away from you. Use a wired keyboard, mouse, and screen (if possible with an external power supply). For the screen, you can use our cheap screen protection – 5. Step by step – do the steps above and try to see if there is an improvement after each step.6. lead-lined clothing – will not work for RF or ELF. For more info please see the “4 step program” – I hope this info helps. amirb |

Is there a cheap way to shield my house?
posted Mar 27, 2016, 9:18 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – The most inexpensive way to shield my house, is there some kind of a PRODUCT with waves that can shield a whole area A – Hello There is not cheap or easy way to protect your home. First you need to get an EMF meter and use it. Find the RF sources inside your house and remove them. Find safety distances from ELF sources. Find penetration points from outside the house and use the right RF protection to block it. Please see: 1. EMF meter – 2. 4 step program – 3. EMF reduction – 4. EMF protection – I hope this info helps amirb |
Do you know anything about Tinnitus?
posted Mar 27, 2016, 1:28 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Mar 28, 2016, 11:26 PM ]
Answer: I am not a doctor, these are just guesses. Tinnitus is a common symptom of EHS people. I also suffer from it. There are several types, I think those which are related to EHS or EMF are more of the sensitivity of the inner hear issue. There is the high pitch noise, the law pitch noise and the supper hearing issues. I think the higher pitch noise is caused by ELF exposure, the low pitch noise from RF exposure and the supper hearing is caused because of an inflammatory situation in the inner heat because of exposure to EMF in general. If the tinnitus keeps me from sleeping I put some music on, or turn the fan or AC on. Other sounds make it less noticeable. Other than that I try to be as less exposed as possible. all the best amirb |

PC mouse, keyboard and cellphone make me sick!
posted Mar 11, 2016, 12:20 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad
Q – Hi, please can you help me with my EMF sensitivity, I have really gone sensitive to emf from my computer mouse and mobile, it causes me pain in my fingers, hand all the way to my elbow, they swell and burn. I have tried all sorts of different fabrics and gloves and nothing works. Can you please advise me what I could cover my mouse with or any gloves that would block the emf’s, I’m really getting desperate. Hopefully Regards A. UK- 03/2016 A – Hello I am sorry to hear about your EHS condition, I hope you manage to reduce the symptoms soon. I assume you already reduced your exposure in every possible way. If you still use a wireless mouse , keyboard, computer or other wireless equipment I suggest you first try to replace them with wired. My recommendation is to stop using any wireless devices including mobile phones , wireless PC, WIFI routers and others. Cellphone I believe that EHS people should use cellphones only in extreme emergencies. If in need, put the cell phone on a desk and use the speakerphone option or a wired earpiece. Put as much distance between you and the phone. Turn off all 4g/3g Data , WIFI, and Bluetooth in order to reduce the emission over time and frequency. Please see – Mouse and keyboard If you are using a wired mouse and keyboard please not that the wired mouse and keyboard still emit some levels of ELF Magnetic and Electric fields to which you might react. It is much lower than the RF radiation emitted from wireless mouse or keyboard but some people still react to it. My recommendation is to try several wired mouse and keyboard and to chose these that affect you the least. In addition, you can try and use a “voice to text” software or “camera mouse” and limit the time you use the keyboard and mouse. Please see:”voice to text” – “camera mouse” – Reduce exposure from PC and laptops – Other steps In addition to that, I recommend getting an EMF meter and testing the house for RF and ELF. Find the RF sources and remove them. Find the ELF sources and keep safety distance from them. Find the RF penetration points and block them. Use the meter again and again until you manage to reduce your exposure and symptoms Please see: 1. the 4 steps program – 2. Home use EMF meter – 3. EMF reduction – 4. EMF measurement – I hope this info helps. amirb |

Wired Phone makes me sick
posted Mar 11, 2016, 12:01 AM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Mar 28, 2016, 11:20 PM ]
Q – I am an EHS person, the wired phone makes me sick. While I am on it I feel a strange headache after few minutes. What can be the cause and how to reduce the symptoms? A – Hello I am sorry to hear about your condition, I hope you manage to reduce the symptoms soon. Every wired phone has a small speaker in the headset. The speaker emit some levels of ELF Magnetic and Electric fields to which you might react. You can use a speakerphone option if possible. In addition to that I recommend getting an EMF meter and testing the house for RF and ELF. Find the RF sources and remove them. Find the ELF sources and keep safety distance from them. Find the RF penetration points and block them. Use the meter again and again until you manage to reduce your exposure and symptoms Please see: 1. the 4 steps program – 2. Home use EMF meter – 3. EMF reduction – 4. EMF measurement – I hope this info helps. amirb |

I feel strange when holding the CORNET ED15 meter
posted Feb 25, 2016, 11:59 PM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Feb 3, 2018, 12:03 AM ]
Q – I purchased a Cornet ED 15. I returned it because the display was too jarring/disturbing for me visually, but also because I seemed to get EHS symptoms from the meter. Do you think it’s possible that I reacted to the 9V battery and would be better of with a meter that runs on AA? I have a Trifield XE100 that I have no trouble using. A – Both TRI FIELD 100XE and CORNET ED15 and ED78 and ED88T have a 9V battery. The difference is that the TRI FIELD 100XE is analog and the ED15/78/88 are all digital and have a circuit board with digital electronic (chips). So my guess is that you reacted to EMI (mid-frequency) electric fields. I still suggest to get a ED88T so you will be able to see the RF radiation which the TRI FIELD 100XE don’t show. You can use it with a universal phone holder – like this one – Or You can also use a selfie stick: l These Universal phone holder can be used by EHS people to hold the EMF meter without touching it as some EHS will react to the EMI and electric fields emitted by the EMF meter. |

Why RF meter show only part of the RF radiation?
posted Feb 1, 2016, 3:49 PM by Amir Borenstein, No Rad [ updated Feb 25, 2016, 10:42 PM ]
Q – Have a query please regarding comment about the ED88T meter on website in the limitations section which says, “Will show only part of the RF level when measuring multi frequency sources, or several source at once (like most RF meters).” To clarify, does this mean if your lounge or bedroom that is actually receiving radiation from three or even four neighbors in different directions, each neighbor in turn likely having multiple sources such as wifi, DECT and numerous other Bluetooth or wireless devices such as iPod docking bases, internet TV and wireless printers etc, all of which the majority of neighbors may now have) the meter would not pick up the sum total of all of that radiation from all of those devices of all of your nearby neighbors, but only whichever single frequency is most predominant in whatever room you are measuring in? (If this is how the meters work, then the combined total of so many lesser amount frequencies from so many sources and directions could seemingly be quite astronomical? For instance if there was wifi router radiation coming in at 2.45GHz at a level of 1.9 V/M but also something radiating at 5.8GHz but at 1.0V/M would it only read the 2.45GHz and give level for that and fail to capture the 5.8GHz and/or any other combined frequencies present at lower levels than the 2.45GHz?) I think I read this somewhere before on a website about meters but not sure if that is what the person meant. Thank you for your clarification. Best wishes, H. P.S. If it is as stated above, are there any meters that do read the sum combined total of all of the different frequencies present in any spot in a room that you are measuring? —————————————————————————————————————– A- Hello Lets start at the end – To my understanding there are no meters today , that can measure the sum combined total. The CORNET ED78S and the CORNET ED88T does a very nice job, while taking into consideration the limitation. Now for the long explanation: RF radiation measuring is very complexes. The accumulation has to be done over different frequencies, over the display time (in this meter 0.5 seconds) and over the number of sampled (in this meter 3500 every half a second). Even the geographical position of the meter influence the measurement. There are so many variables, I will try to explain the most important. Sampling rate and Calculation of the leveled displayed: Then what meters is the way you calculate the level you display, in this meter the displayed value is the highest peak that was found over half a second (most meters sample much less, profession meter usually sample less than 10 times each second). If there was a higher peak during this half a second which the meter did not pick up in one of his 3500 samples, this will be missed and will not affect the measurement or displayed value. Geographical location of the meter On the geographical level, if the meter is in between 2 sources that emit in the same time and the same level and the same frequency in the direction of the meter, most meters will show less than the 2 combined levels, usually even lower than one of the emission. But the human body would be affected by both. Measuring different frequencies at the same time This meter is a broadband meter which means it is influenced by a wide range of frequencies. But there are a lot of technical issue and limitation that makes it very hard to same all of them up in a linear way. Accuracy is not the full story As strange as it may sound, I think that the accuracy of a meter is the least important factor. The most important factor is the sampling rate. The second is the way that the info is calculated and presented. Therefore, according to my perception, the CORNET ED78S and the CORNET ED88T are the best home use meters on the market today. I think that a meter should be used to scan the house, walls, windows, floor and ceiling in order to find EMF sources and penetration point. Later on it should be used to understand what emit which type of EMF, when and why (so you can reduce your exposure). The CORNET’s meters are great for that. I hope this info helps amirb |