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Questions & Answers from 2010-2019
The Q&A from 2010-2019 were copied from the old site to this site, in chunks of 10. Each of the following links includes about 10 questions. please search the bellow page, or use our site search, before sending us a question
Questions & Answers since 2020
I suffering, WIFI all around, smart meters on the wall, cell phone mast few blocks away, husband using wireless devices all the time and does not believes me. What to do?
I suggest to do several thing:
0. Start with reading, and trying to do the best with this guide – https://www.norad4u.com/guides/no-rads-step-by-step-guide-for-emf-initial-exposure-reduction/Stop using smartphones and wireless devices (if you still have them) right now.
1. Get and home use EMF meters like this one (which we sell) – https://www.norad4u.com/measure/home-use-emf-emr-elf-rf-meters-and-detectors/cornet-ed88tplus-emf-rf-elf-m-elf-m-meter/2. Start learning about EMF, different kinds, different sources, different types of RF signals – https://www.norad4u.com/knowledge/Also learn about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/
3. When you get the meter, start measuring the house. Find the sources within the house, then find the places (windows, walls, ceiling and floor) where the RF and ELF radiation is coming from.Please see – https://www.norad4u.com/guides/step-by-step-emf-measurement-guide/
4. Reduce exposure by moving to wired communication and removing and turning off all wireless communication inside the house (install wired internet network, connect all devices to the wired net, connect smartphones to the net via cable or PC, stream via cable, turn off all WIFI signals).Find safety distance from all electric devices.Try to do this with your husband so he will maybe understand what it is all about and be part of the solution. Please see – https://www.norad4u.com/emf-exposure-reduction/
5. Use RF protection to block the RF from coming into your apartment, both from the cell antennas, neighbours and smart meters – https://www.norad4u.com/guides/no-rads-step-by-step-guide-for-rf-home-protection/Also try to use Personal RF Protection, try to start with a hat , or/and scarf, please see our store site –
hats – https://www.4ehsbyehs.com/rf-protection-hat/
Scarf – https://www.4ehsbyehs.com/product/scrf200s/
6. Read this guide about “Handling EHS” – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/handling-ehs/
It is a long road, lost of learning and doing, but if you start walking this road today, tomorrow you will be closer to getting control back on your life. If you do not do anything, tomorrow you will be in the same place. Thanks and best regards
Amir Borenstein
Does grounding yourself make it better, or worse?
For those who use “earthing products”, In most cases better…but you need to make sure you ground to the ground outside and not to the electric ground (which is not always clean).
In the case of walking barefoot (there are more options, please see the list below) the answer is the same, “In most cases better” . Going barefoot outside on dirt or grass is great (if there are no stray ground current) and for me it is addictive (I can’t wait for summer to come back and I would be able to be barefoot again.
other good points in it:
* It is free
* easy to do (in summer time).
Other ways to ground yourself:
* swim in the river, sea or lack.
* take long showers (if the electric system is good)
* bury yourself in the sand at the beach
* touch conductive walls (I do it in conferences where I can’t take off my shoes.
* Sit with you barefoot touching the stone floor.
* sleep with you hand touching the conductive wall.
I guess there are more ways…
I am an EHS person and need to use a laptop – what do you recommand?
Regarding a laptop, I usually go with LENOVO THINK PAD E modles, with I7, as much memory as I can get, and with SSD drive.
I then connect it to a wired keyboard, mouse and screem (if , when and where possible). Also connect it to the ground using the USB or VGA ground. Wired connection to the net and disabling any wireless card from the device manager is a must.Regarding a mobile phone, only a small , simple 3G phone for emergencies.I hope this info helps.Thanks and best regards
Amir Borenstein
WIFI situation with my neighbor
Please help me with the following situation:
1, An occasional Wifi signal is coming from a well-researched direction of my neighbour (I live in semi-detached an apartment block, and only one of my neighbours uses Wifi, noone else)
2, Earlier this year I put EMF-shielding paint (Yshield, 3-4 layers) on the wall
3, To be on the safe side I put Emf wallpaper on top of that paint (bought from you)
4, Both of them are properly grounded
5, Using my Cornet ED88T Plus meter (bought from you) it shows the general radiation strength is much lower than earlier. But when my neighbour’s Wifi is On, then an occasional radiation burst occurs (I think that is consistent with Wifi radiation patterns)
FURTHERMORE, when my neighbour’s Wifi is ON, then his Wifi signal on my laptop connection board shows a very strong signal (4 out of 5) and I feel really, really sick.
should the paint+wallpaper reduce my neighbour’s WIFI SIGNAL ON MY LAPTOP as well?
Lets say the Wifi strength was Mark-5 before putting there paint+wallpaper, but after putting there paint+wallpaper the Wifi signal should be max. Mark-1 or -2 ? Is this logic correct here?
Or paint+wallpaper does not effect the Wifi signal strength on my laptop? Or perhaps I made some errors when putting paint+wallpaper into place?
I put huge efforts to protect my apartment with this paint+wallpaper but something seems to be strange when the neighbours’ Wifi is switched on.
Many thanks for help,Kind regards,
1. WIFI signal goes down to -100dBm and can still be operational.The wall paper reduces RF in 10dB, paint in 20-35dBs.So if before the installation you had -40dBm (~0.06mW/m2) of RF from the WIFI, with the protection you should have -40-10-35= -85dBm. It is well below what the CORNET can show, but some people may still react to that. In addition to that, some of the WIFI might be coming from around the protection, plus some RF might be coming from other locations and directions.2. If you are checking the WIFI signal strength with a laptop, it means that your laptop (or phone) have the WIFI enabled, which means more RF radiation bursts. 3. Your neighbor might be using smartphones, laptops, or other devices near your joint wall and some of the RF might be going through the protection.
What to do:1. Try to time the RF bursts and see if there is a time pattern to it.
2.. Measure the RF from your PC and cellphone, see if once a minute (pc) or in a few seconds (smartphone) there is a RF burst.
3. Disable the WIFI card in your PC , from the device manager, please see – https://www.norad4u.com/emf-exposure-reduction/using-pcs-and-laptops/#Disable_the_wireless_network_card_in_a_wireless_PC
3.5 if you still have a smartphone, turn off all RF from the smartphone (WIFI, Bluetooth, NFC, sync and others).
4. Try to measure around the house and find the penetration points of the single.I hope this info helps. Thanks and best regards
Amir Borenstein
Canopy does not block WIFI
Question from a customer, USA, 12/2021
I have brought your Hats, blocking fabric, sleeping bag, ENV RD-10 as well as canopies.
I brought the canopy from https://www.norad4u.com as the brand name YSHIELD . It can not block the Wi-Fi as I test to put my phone inside the canopy and Wi-Fi still working to browse on internet and can not prevent Wi-Fi harassment. So shielding fabrics is no protection.
Please advise me how to block the Wi-fi and magnetic field in order to prevent electromagnetic harassment.
My Answer:
Thank you for your email.
Your question is important so I will publish this answer on the sites, without your personal info.
EMF personal protection, and EMF home protection, and EHS gear are not blocking all forms of EMF or RF radiation.
If used correctly, the protection will reduce user exposure to the type of EMF it is designed to reduce.
The right way to test the reduction in exposure is by using an EMF meter, not by a cell phone.
Please see – https://www.norad4u.com/emf-protection/personal-rf-protection/

Protection from what?
The Personal Protection and EHS Gear are meant to be used by Electromagnetic HyperSensitive(EHS) people who already stopped using their wireless and cellular devices and already reduced their exposure by other means. The protection is meant to reduce exposure from environmental sources that the person can’t control in any other way, like cell towers and neighbors’ wireless equipment, It is not meant to stop “attacks of any type”.ELF Magentic Proteciton
The Hats, Fabric, Sleeping bag, and Canopies will all reduce the user’s RF exposure, but not ELF magnetic field.
We don’t have a product that reduces user exposure to ELF magnetic fields.
The canopy itself is the last step in RF protection for EHS people.
It is made out of RF Blocking fabric that when new, blocks more than 99% of the RF.
In order to achieve this level of blocking the canopy should be closed and sealed.
Also, the RF protection should be but also on the floor, and the canopy would touch the protection on the floor (they should overlap).
If not overlapping some RF will come in from the opening.
In addition, the fabric is delicate, and if washed or used incorrectly will lose it’s RF blocking qualities.
In some cases, WIFI/Cellphone signals will still be working after 99% reduction in strength.
Please see the Canopies product’s page – https://www.4ehsbyehs.com/product/rf-blocking-canopies/

Testing RF Protection
The way to test RF Protection and RF Blocking fabric is by measuring RF next to a source or penetration point, and then putting the RF fabric/protection in between. The meter should show a big difference between the 2 measurements.
As seen in this video – https://youtu.be/hqr3n3rizhk
Take NATURELL RF Blocking Fabric for example.
According to the lab tests it blocks 99.97%(-35dB) or the RF coming right at it.
WIFI signal is considered “Excelent” at about -50dBm (see – https://eyenetworks.no/en/wifi-signal-strength/) .
A -35dB reduction will bring the WIFI signal to -85dBm, which means the WIFI will still work (but will be unstable), and the phone will still be able to connect to it.
What to do?
My recommendation is to stop thinking about “attacks” and continue your exposure reduction and handling EHS processes:
Exposure reduction – https://www.norad4u.com/emf-exposure-reduction/
Handling EHS – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/handling-ehs/
Test the ability of the fabrics to block RF, using the ENV RD10, according to what is shown in the video.
In addition, continue to use the protection, if it makes you feel better (reduction of symptoms, and shortening recovery time).
If you haven’t done it yet, stop using wireless and cellular devices.
Thanks and best regards
Amir Borenstein – “No Radiation For You”
Info site – www.norad4u.com
Store site – www.4EHSByEHS.com
Does Fiber optic create more EMF Radiation?
No, I think fiber optic cable can’t carry/create EMF/EMI. But there are other changes (the radiation from the router and the inhouse cables and equipment, might be different) that might explain why people complain about more symptoms.
Fiber optic is made out of fiber and, therefor can’t pick up, transmit or transfer EMI or EMF.
On the other hand, the equipment that comes with it (routers, fiberToNet) can create EMI and RF which are different than before.
EMI are mid-frequency electric fields that are created by electronic devices. The new home used network equipment for Fiber optic works with higher and faster clocks and therefore produces different EMI than old 100/10 connections. This EMI is mostly created near the router, but can also be created via the metal network cables around the house. The fix to that is to ground the router & the network cables, and PCs.
In addition, if you choose to turn ON the WIFI (which creates RF even with an old metal network connection) , there is RF emitted from the router and other wireless devices. Old routers used to work with 2.4GHZ, and 5GHZ. New fiber optic routers, where I live in, works also with 6GHZ RF. So this might also be the reason for more symptoms.
Please note that most people don’t know about these technical differences. So when they feel worse after Fiber optic is installed., they blame the fiber optic itself. Again the fiber optic light passing cable has no additional EMF or EMI.
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I have 3 computers and 1 printer/fax at home on a Bezek router N600. I turned off the WIFI option on the router, and also had Bezek cancel the option, but it still emits around 1mw/m2 at distance of 1 meter. Is there an alternative set up I can install without a Wireless router, using standard modem , print server etc.?)
I contacted this person and ask for a photo of the measurement.
He then replied that during taking the photo, he found out that the printer was emitting the RF radiation.
He is now switching to work with a printer that has no WIFI or that it can be turned completely OFF.
To resolve 3G 4G 5G and future wire less tech please consider this.
Hard wired systems at home and work. Incorporating appropriate safe flexible leads from plug in points to enable all devices to be hard wired without wi fi.
Between home and work a return to internet cafes or other suitable domains for access to the internet. without wi fi using the same plug in facility as I described for home and / or work.
In remote locations an adapted larger kiosk could be sited.
This may be an issue for GPS but we did survive without it, but in saying that routes could be down loaded before.
To protect our home planet but still use advanced technology this I feel should be seriously looked into.
Many shops are empty so this could benefit those areas throughout the country.
Too many scientists whom are independent are quoting the dangers so something must be done to resolve this.
Yes, the right way to go is reduce exposure and use by going wired.
Please see our guide for EMF reduction – https://www.norad4u.com/guides/no-rads-step-by-step-guide-for-emf-initial-exposure-reduction/
and for handling EHS – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/handling-ehs/
All the best