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EMF meters
EMF meters

On this page, you can read reviews of home-use EMF meters, including leading models, specs, pictures, videos, explanations, and links from where you can order.

Table of Contents press here to show

Using a home use, fast EMF meter

Measuring the EMF levels yourself using a fast EMF meter will be the best way to “see” the radiation, improve your knowledge, better understand EMF, find the source, keep safety distances, find penetration points, and see if your EMF protection really works. We believe that DIY EMF testing is the best way to test the EMF levels in the house and to handle EMF problems before any damage is done, or when you are already suffering from the possible health effects of EMF exposure.

We will emphasize again that the best way to measure RF radiation, the best way to find and identify RF sources (WIFI routers, smartphones, wireless laptops, and tablets) and penetration points, is to use a fast (high sampling rate) RF Meter that samples the RF levels thousands of times every second. a slow RF meter will not be able to “see” the low duty cycle home and personal RF sources such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, WIFI routers, BlueTooth devices, and other wireless devices.

A fast EMF meter is a basic “must-have” tool in the hands of every Electromagnetic Hyper-sensitive person. A fast EMF meter can serve you for several years on countless times and occasions, where and when there is a need to “see” the radiation around you.

We currently (03/2025) recommend the very simple to use ENV RD-100 or the very informative numeric EMF meter the CORNET ED98QPro5G.

VIdeo – The ENV RD-100 –

Video – Recommended home use EMF meters for 2024 –

Meters we will not recommend

On the market today you can find even cheaper meters, usually from China, but they will not be suitable for home use, mainly because of the low sampling rate of 2-10 times per second (same problem in some of the more professional meters that are built according to ICNIRP requirements). As I noted before, measuring a low-duty cycle signal from WIFI routers, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other wireless devices, requires a very high sampling rate which this cheap china-made meter lacks. 

Everyone can use an EMF meter

When ordering one of the meters we sell on our store site you will get video tutorials and links to information and step-by-step guides on this site. The videos and guides will allow you to shorten the learning curve and to understand what you are doing with the meter and what the results mean.

You should expect to put some time and effort into the process, but we will support you via email (send measurements pictures), and paid training via phone or zoom calls, is necessary.

My recommendation, plain and simple

For most people, I recommend the CORNET ED88TPLUS5G2 or the newer CORNET ED98QPro5G. It is fast, very informative, and has logging features for RF. For those of you who want a simple LED indition meter, the ENV RD10 is the best choice. In addition, you can get a few of the CelloEye detectors as your personal or home RF alarm system.

I recommend reading this page fully before buying an EMF/EMR meter. For those of you who want my recommendation, but don’t want to read the full explanation Please see the following table:

למזמינים לישראל, יש להזמין מהאתר הישראלי, לחצו כאן…

 Recommended for Model  Frequency response  Picture and linkBuy now!
Most recommended (03/2025)

Home use RF/ELF EMF meter with
numeric info!
Both LED light indication & numerical/graphic display.
Great sampling rate(60000/Sec) for RF in Mudolation mode. Measure RF, ELF-Magnetic, and ELF-Electric fields.
USB connection for recording and special future features.
ENV RD-100 RF – 100MHz – 8GHz

   LFM – 30Hz – 25KHz 

LFE  – 40Hz -10KHz
ENV RD-100 Hold RFOrder from our store site
Home use RF/ELF EMF meter with
numeric info!
Great sampling rate(12500/halfSec). Measure RF,
ELF-Magnetic, ELF-Electric fields.
USB connection for future
features. Earplug, many advanced features, and a detailed display
CORNET ED98QPro5G or  
  RF – 100MHz – 8GHz 
 EL30 – 50Hz – 1KHz 
ELF600 – 50Hz -10KHz
ELF Efield 50Hz-50KHz

+ Light/Flicker
 CORNET ED88TPLUSOrder from our store site
Tiny RF detector with a single led light indication for RF levels above 0.1mW/m2CelloEye 24G0.1-24GHzOrder from our store site
Tiny RF detector with a single led light indication & buzzer for RF levels above 0.1mW/m2CelloEye 24Gs0.1-24GHzOrder from our store site
Not available – Low price Home use RF/ELF EMF
meter with Led Light and
advanced features via USB

For those of you who need a fast
& simple to operate EMF detector.
For those who in a need to a
pocket-size alarm detector.
Measure RF, ELF-Magnetic,
ELF-Electric fields. USB connection for future features.

ENV RF-10 RF – 100MHz – 8GHz 
  EL30 – 50Hz – 1KHz 
ELF600 – 50Hz -10KHz
Order from our store site
or from
 Simple RF Detector 

Very simple to operate
Very simple to understand
Led light indication 
Sound indication
Single Button ON/OFF/Sound

 Acosticom 2 RF 200 – 8 000 MHzAM2 This item is sold on at ~US$180, order at bellow links:
 High-Quality RF Meter for the advanced user who wants an
easy and clear reading, with
audio feedback, an
earpiece socket, Average and Peak
values. Both LED
bar and LCD display. 

Best measuring device for WIFI
Acoוstimeter AM-11      RF – 200MHz – 8GHz    AM10 
This item is sold on at ~US$420 , order at bellow links:

 Home use ELF digital meterUHS2 from Alpha Lab 13Hz – 75KHzUHS2
Only $365.00UHS2 meter + Calibration test report + protective rubber 
 (free Registered Air Mail delivery, will take 2-5 weeks)
Safe & sound Pro 2
Accurate and fast RF meter.
Strong speaker.
Show Max,Peak, Average levels.
Does Not measure ELF magnetic or electric fields.
Safe & sound Pro 2  RF – 200MHz – 8GHz     This item is sold on at ~US$435 , order at bellow links:

Nice meter for ELF electric and magnetic field. I don’t think it is a good choice for RF, since it measure also 20-100MHz signals including FM which can be in the way of identifying other RF sources.
TRI FIELD 2RF 20 MHz – 6 GHz

Magnetic, 3 Axis – 40 Hz – 100 kHz

Electric, 1 Axis – 40 Hz – 100 kHz
This item is sold on at ~US$435 , order at below links:
All above-recommended meters comes with a free Video Tutorials & email support
All above-recommended meters come with a free Video Tutorials & email support

Full meters review 12/2021

Video link –

How can a home-use EMF meter help you?

  • Allows the identification of EMF sources inside your house/home
  • Allows understanding what is the safety distance from ELF sources (in RF radiation, there is no real safety distance as even very low levels are not healthy).
  • Allows the identification of RF penetration points via walls, windows, ceilings, and floors.
  • Shoes which electric and electronic devices radiation, for how long and when.
  • Allows you to see if, when, and how many steps that you take to reduce exposure are actually effective.
  • Allows you to test, when and how much, EMF Protection steps are effective.
  • You can give the meter to family and friends
  • Allows you to measure the radiation in your home/office/car/workplace again and again.

EMF Measurement quick start guide with CORNET ED88TPLUS

Video –

EMF Measurement quick start guide with CORNET ED88TPLUS
Video –

What is important in a ‘home use EMF meter’?

  • Sampling rate – the number of times the meter measures the radiation in a second and the way it calculates the level. This is critical for detecting RF radiation from cellphones, smartphones, WIFI routers, wireless laptops, tablets, smart home equipment, wireless earphones and earpieces, and other wireless devices and equipment.
  • Easy of use and operation
  • Clear and detailed display of data
  • Low maintenance, should allow you to use it for years before breaking down
  • Accuracy – For ELF meters accuracy is important, but not so much for RF. For RF meters is it more important that they will have as high as possible sampling rate so they will be able to pick up the fast-changing RF sources that exist in every house.
  • Calibration – relevant only to professional meters that are used daily in hard conditions and exposure to high levels of radiation. In home-use meters, the calibration fees are usually higher than the cost of the meter itself.

Accuracy, is it critical?

Well, obviously accuracy is important but not critical. If the level of RF is 10mW/m2 and the meter show 1mW/m2 , there is a problem. But if it showed 9.5 and not 10, or even 7 and not 10 , I don’t think there is a problem there. As long as it shows the radiation (In RF meters, the ability to show the radiation is highly dependable on the speed the meter is able to measure it, the sampling rate. Which makes the sampling rate of the meter, to my opinion, the most important characteristic of a meter). and allows you to find the source or penetration point, the meter has done it’s job. Therefore I believe that finding the sources and penetration points of the radiation is more important in EMF measurement than the accuracy of the measurement.

Factors that influence the measurment other than the meter’s accurecy?

I know that to some of you this may sound strange, but I think that accuracy in a home-use EMF meter is not the main leading feature you should judge a meter by. In EMF measurement, especially in RF measurement lots of factors have an influence on the gap between the measurement you get from the meter to the real levels. Such factors are the type of signal you are measuring, the duty cycle of the signal, the frequency of the signal, the existence of other signals, the frequency span of the signal, the location you take the measurement, even the why you hold your meter can affect the outcome.

What is more important?

In most home use measurements, you usually need to know the levels only roughly. More often you would like to know where the radiation is coming from and you need the meter to show even the sorter-fastest signals. This means the meter has to have a high sampling rate.

Ease of use alongside an informative presentation of the outcomes is also a key factor in any meter and can shorter the learning curve while making the situation understood more quickly and easily (allowing the person who is doing the test to understand the exposure and the changing overtime of the radiation level. For example the display of Peak Value alongside with Max Value, Aהerage Value, Frequency & Histogram feature that shows the last 15 seconds of the measurement on a Level/time graf, all on the same screen of the CORNET ED88TPLUS – see picture below).

RF Display explained on ED88TPLUS
RF Display explained on ED88TPLUS

More info, explanations, guidance, and information

Before I will start explaining, reviewing, and telling you about different electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR) meters, I would like to point out that I am not trying to sell anything (I do sell meters, but not trying to “push” them). All the meters that I am going to review here were tested by myself, and I own most of them. I am writing here my reviews and comments about these meters, which I use daily. I hope that if you are looking into buying one you will be able to get some information from this page which will help you to understand the types of meters available in the market and to choose the one best for you. 

Every house should have an EMF meter

I believe that every household should have EMF/EMR meters since in the home of today you can find many EMF/EMR sources. An EMF/EMR meter will help you expose most, if not all of them. after exposing the EMF/EMR sources you can start taking some actions to lower your exposure. 

Buying EMF meters/EMR meters and detectors

EMR is Electromagnetic Radiation, and EMF is Electromagnetic frequency so as far as meters it is the same.

I believe that in most cases, buying your own meters is the right thing to do. Especially if you are electromagnetically hypersensitive (EHS). The best thing about having your meter is that it belongs to you and you can use it more than once whenever you need it. You can use it to find EMF/EMR sources in your house, workplace, or outside, just whenever you want or whenever you need it. You can use it to track and monitor the changing levels of EMF/EMR for a few days, months, or years, or even help your family and friends by measuring their houses. 

A simple EMF / EMR meter can expose real EMF/EMR problems which can then be solved by you (moving or removing the sources or using EMF protection to block the EMF emitted from them). In addition, you can take the meter with you when you are out, buying new equipment for the house in order to make sure when and how much EMF/EMR the new equipment will emit (for example this is the best way to find out which cordless phones emit EMF/EMR all the time and which emit it only during conversation) or when searching for a new place to live in.

I believe that today every house should have at least one ELF+RF meter or two meters, one for extremely low frequencies (ELF) and one for radio frequencies (RF).

A ‘simple to operate’ ENV RD-100 or the CORNET ED98QPro5G RF+LFM+LFE+Light EMR meter should be enough to expose most EMF/EMR sources in your house or workplace and to give you a good picture of what is going on around you as far as EMF/EMR is concerned.

Advanced meters and spectrum analyzers can be right for you if you have some experience in the measuring of electronics, and after you gather some experience and knowledge about radiation. These meters are usually strongly built, have a Tri-axis sensor, are far more accurate but suffer from low sampling rate, and therefore will have problems detecting in-house RF sources and cell phones that emit low Duty cycle RF signals.

Where to buy

If you are looking to buy electromagnetic meters and searching for a place to buy, I can recommend our eStore web store (since 2012).

More details about all these products can be found on “For EHS by EHS” web site site offers special products that were designed by EHS people in addition to EMF metersEMF protectionRF blocking fabricsRF Protection Clothes and RF Protection Hats.
Click here to read more… logo logo

In addition to that, you are welcome to use the links that I will give in the bottom of every review. Some of the meters can also be purchased on this site.

Different types and levels of EMF meters/EMR meters


Very Simple EMF/EMR meters – Into this category fall all the detector/indicator type meters. These very simple meters can show you if there is or, there is not any radiation, a lot of EMF, or not so much, more or less but not an exact number. These meters have a very basic indication, usually a set of LEDs or a small gauge. 

Home use Meter – Basic and Advanced

Simple home use  EMF/EMR meters – simple EMR meters that in addition to a basic indication gives also a numeric measurement value. 
Usually, it cost from 50$-200$ (or more).

Advanced home use EMF/EMR meters – EMF/EMR meters that display different types of information on a specially designed LCD. These meters can usually measure EMF/EMR in 3 axes and have advanced features like HOLD, MAX, AVERAGE. Some of them even have an internal logger (able to track EMF/EMR  levels over time) option and can be connected to a computer for data analysis. 
Usually cost from 150$-500$ (or more).

Professional safety survey meters

High quality, strongly built, advanced meters with high precision and accuracy that address the professional safety survey market needs. These meters will usually have many advanced features some programmable options. These meters will usually build according to ICNIRP or IEEE specifications. Most of the meters from this type that is currently (2019) on the market have a slow sampling rate.
Usually, it cost from 200$-50000$ (or more).

Professional Development meters and Spectrum analyzers

Usually for lab use, High quality and very high sampling rate (few Giga sampling rate per second, up to hundreds of Giga). used for the development and debugging of equipment during the development phase.
Usually cost from 50000$-and more.

Measurements of Multi-frequency signals and multiple sources

Please note that most of the High-frequency electromagnetic radiation meters that I encountered to date (both professional and simple) are not able to measure multiple frequencies and multiple radiation sources correctly (mobile, WIFI, cellular antennas, cordless phones, etc.). This limitation is due to the difficulty of measuring and summing up all the radiation levels in all the frequencies. Therefore the measurement of radiation sources that emit RF radiation in several frequencies (eg: WIFI, mobile phone antennas mailman third, or cellular) or measuring several radiation sources at once may not be accurate and generally results in low measurements. It is still possible to use these meters to expose radiation sources and to understand how to shield and how reduce your exposure to them.
For example, a slow sampling rate will “see” the RF from a WIFI router only at a distance smaller than 0.5 to 1 meter away from the router. A fast RF meter (such as the CORNET ED88TPLUS) will “see” the RF from the WIFI router at about 5-10 meters from the router, but still, this measurement will be partial.

Comparison between different EMF meters on the market

The following table will try to make it easier for us to explain why we recommend the ENV RD10 and the CORNET ED98QPro5G meters. The table summarizes my views on the following meters. The recommendations are according to our experience in using, selling and training people to use EMF meters.

Meter/AbilityENV RD10CORNET ED88T
PLUS 5G2 or
newer CORNET ED98QPro5G
TRI FIELD 2UHS2Acoustimeter AM11Safe & sound Pro 2TENMARS TM196
Simple and easy operationYesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Easy to readYesYes, with
detailed display
Measure/detect pulsed RF radiation from
personal wireless devices
(smartphones, smartwatches, wireless earpieces…)
Measure/detect pulsed RF radiation from home/office wireless devices
( smart meters, wireless laptops,
wifi routers & access points, cordless phones…)

Measure cell towers 2G/3G/4G/5G
YesYesYes (picks up also FM which
gets in
the way)
Measure/detect ELF magnetic & electric fieldsYesYesYesMagneticNoNoNo
Can be used during the exposure reduction and protection processYesYesYesFor magnetic fieldFor RF for RFNo
Accurate measuring RF (including pulses)NoNoNoNoConsidered more accurate than the CORNETConsidered more accurate than the CORNETOn paper Yes, in reality No
3 Axis RF measurementNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Accurate measuring ELF NoNoYesYesNoNoNo
Calibration certificate NoNoNoYesNoYesYes, from China
Recommended by us for home use,
for RF and ELF source detection,
exposure reduction and protection
Yes, a specially for people
who prefer light bar over
numeric measurement,
for training and as a
pocket meter for EHS people.
a great ‘all-in-one’
EMF meter for home use.
NoYes, For advanced usersYes, For advanced usersYes, For advanced usersNo
Price rangestarting at US$139
Not available anymore
US$310Starting at
starting at US$365starting at US$420starting at US$435starting at US$330
The following table summarizes my views on the following meters.

ENV RD-10 

Order from our store site

Low price Home use RF/ELF EMF meter with Led Light and advanced features via USB connection.
For those of you who need a fast & simple to operate EMF detector. For those who in a need to a pocket-size alarm detector. Measure RF, ELF-Magnetic, ELF-Electric fields. The USB connection for recording measurements, software upgrade and more.


A very small, fit into your pocket, very fast and sensitive EMF (both RF/ELF-M/ELF-E) Radiation detector. It can be used as a simple EMF Smog meter, showing the levels via the color led bar. It can be used as an Alarm RF/ELF detector for EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) people. It can be used as a monitor while connected to a PC via the mini USB cable. Has an Internal rechargeable (via USB) battery that can last for hours. 

The fast sampling rate will allow the meter to pick up even the fastest RF signals. The meter displays the levels of EMF over a Green-Yellow-Red Led lights, making it easier to read even if you are not an expert. If you are an advanced user, you can connect the meter to a PC and get the exact readings.

Advantages and features

  • Very fast sampling rate- Most important (20000 samplings every second).!
  • Very easy to operate and read
  • Both RF and ELF (magnetic & Electric fields) in one very cheap meter.
  • Rechargeable batteries (via Mini USB)
  • Small case – Fits into every pocket
  • Advanced features for advanced users via Mini USB connection to a PC
  • Future software update via Mini USB
  • Super sensitive RF alarm mode will allow you to walk around with the meter for hours. The meter will alert you when being in a high RF environment or close to a source or a cell phone user.
  • Audio Feedback – beeps
  • USB connection
  • Color Led Light Bar 
  • Single Axis  RF meter, mW/m2, dBm, bandwidth of  100MHz-8GHz
  • Single Axis LFE magnetic meter, mGauss, uT, bandwidth of  50-10KHz
  • Single Axis LFE Electric field meter, V/m, bandwidth of 50Hz-50KHz 
  • Sampling rate: 20,000/sec, display rate 5/sec.
  • Internal antenna and sensors.
  • 90 days money-back guarantee 
  • 1 year warranty 
  • Made in ISRAEL
  • Software and future updates can be download from


  • Single axis
  • No numeric display

Bottom line

Great & cheap EMF detector for those who need a Red-Yellow-Green indication, for those of you who need the alarm, or for those who what to do some monitoring (with a PC).


Operating the ENV RD-10 – and Presentation –

Operating the ENV RD-10

Unboxing and Presentation

Manufacture’s datasheet:

  • RF Frequency range: 100MHz to 8GHz
  • RF measuring range: -60dBm to +5dBm
  • RF Typical accuracy: ±6 dB
  • LFM (magnetic field) Frequency range: 50Hz to 10KHz
  • LFM measuring range: 0mG to 50mG with 0.1mG resolution
  • LFM accuracy: 20%
  • LFE (electric field) Frequency range: 50Hz-50KHz
  • LFE measuring range: 2v/m to 1000v/m
  • LFE accuracy: 25%
  • Display: Sampling rate:
  • Sampling rate: 20,000/sec (updates 5 times a second on the LEDs / 2 times a second for USB data)
  • RF technologies: Analog RF and Digital burst RF (GSM, TDMA, CDMA, LTE, DECT, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB, Wi-Fi, WiMAX 2.4GHz, 3.6GHz, 5.8GHz, 2,3,4 generations).


CORNETED98QPRO5G 'all in one' EMF meter with light sensor
CORNETED98QPRO5G ‘all in one’ EMF meter with light sensor

Order from our store site

CORNET ED98QPro5G is an improvement of the CORNET ED88TPLUS5G2. In addition to all the great features in the 88, the 98 has also a light sensor and it can measure both light strength and light flicker levels.

Video presentation of the CORNET ED98QPro5G

Link –

Video presentation of the CORNET ED98QPro5G
Link –

Key features:

  • New in ED98QPro5G – Light strength in Lux units.
  • New in ED98QPro5G – light flicker in %
  • New in ED88TPLUS5G2 – Logger view can show RF waveform if time interval is set to 1mSec.
  • New in ED88TPLUS5G2- Statistical view can now partially show the RF waveform
  • New in ED88TPLUS5G- Duty cycle display in RF mode.
  • New in ED88TPLUS5G- Logger view and Statistical view.
  • New in ED88TPLUS2 – History Log in RF mode of up to 512 seconds.
  • New in ED88TPLUS2 – Sampling rate up to 25000/sec (used to be 10000/sec)
  • New In ED88TPLUS2 – Duty Cycle calculation
  • Single Axis RF and ELF meter (most RF sources are in Y axis. ELF sources usually radiate in 2 axis).
  • Both for RF and ELF measurement and source detection
  • Very sensitive RF(down to 0.0005mW/m2) and ELF(0.005uT/0.05mG) modes
  • Very Fast RF meter (most important for an RF meter, 12500 measurements for every half a second and displaying the max level measured in the last half second).
  • RF mode from 100MHz up to 8GHz (from 0.0005mW/m2)
  • ELF Magnetic mode LF600 – from 40 to 10KHz and up to 600mG
  • ELF Magnetic mode LF30 – from 40 to 1000Kz and up to 10mG (very sensitive ELF mode).
  • ELF Electric field mode Efield – from 50Hz to 50000Hz and 2V/m up to 1000V/m
  • RF mode – Audio-sound feedback
  • RF mode – Adjustable audio alarm to levels of 0, -5, -10 ,-15, -20, -25, -30, -35 dBm.
  • RF Led bat – Adjustable sensitivity 
  • RF+ELF M + ELF E modes – Display Max measured value since power up 
  • In RF mode, display Average level over last half a second.or over last 15 seconds.
  • RF measurement in dBm, V/m, mW/m2
  • Improved sensitivity in ELF, shows levels from 0.1 mG and up (0.5 in the ED75)
  • LF600 mode for low frequency from 0.05uT (0.5mG)
  • LF30 mode for low frequency from 0.01uT (0.1mG)
  • ELF measurement in uT, mG.
  • The histogram graph (level/time graph) shows the values measured in the last 15 seconds. Helps you see fast signals and how the radiation levels change over time. Great for RF/ELF source hunting.
  • Improved LCD display
  • Back Led light feature.
  • Led Lightbar that marks the radiation level if you are having a hard time with the numbers). 
  • 9V battery
  • Battery strength indication
  • Earphone socket

Order from our store site

The Acousticom 2 RF Detector


The Acousticom 2 is very simple to operate and very nicely built, very light and very small, RF detector, manufactured and sold by This very basic RF detector is idle for people who don’t want to mess with reading fast-changing numbers or for presentations and videos, as the reading is very clear. It is also equipped with a built-in speaker which sounds the RF signal modulation, allowing you to identify the type of the RF radiation being measured. It comes with a carry pouch, a short user manual, and a 9V battery.


  • Very light
  • Very simple to operate
  • Audio feedback
  • Very sensitive (as low as 0.01V/m, up to 6V/m).
  • Measure peak levels


  • No numeric display.

Bottom line:

Very nice, small, light RF detector for the novice user.

Where to buy:

Use the links in the below table. Sold be a web store in England. Prices are in British Pounds, not including VAT. You may need to pay taxes on supply.

Buy on

PF5 Pocket Power Frequency Meter (ELF & VLF) 

An ELF magnetic & electric field detector for home use.
Detect both ELF Magnetic (in mG) and Electric (in V/m) fields from 20H-50000Hz. 


  • Very light
  • Very simple to operate
  • Detect both electric and magnetic fields
  • Very sensitive (as law as 0.2mG and 5V/m).


  • No numeric display.
  • Single Axis.

Bottom line:

Very nice, small, light ELF detector for both Electric and magnetic fields for the novice user.

Buy from: 

Starting from US$178 at – 1: Acousticom 2 RF Detector + PF5 EMF Detector: 2: Acousticom 2 RF Detector + PF5 EMF Detector + Dirty Electricity GS meter :

 Acoustimeter AM-10 RF meter

The Acoustimeter AM-10 RF meter is a digital RF meter that can measure between 200MHz up to 8GHz.The meter comes in a hard plastic hand carry case in which it is covered with an RF blocking cloth that can be used also for demonstration. The Acousticmeter has both a 2 line LCD and 2 sets of color led strength bars and a LCD display in which you can see the Max RF electric field measured (since power-up) , the Current electric field strength (both in V/M) and the Average electromagnetic power density flux in uW/m2 units. The left LEDs raw display the peak RF electric field in V/m units and the right led raw display the average RF power flux in uW/m2 units. On the left side of the meter, you will find the on/off switch, a volume dial and a headphone jack (for audio feedback).On the back of the meter, you will find the audio speaker and the battery compartment (2 AA batteries).


  • Up to 8GHz
  • Both peak and average (average is done over 1024 samples which are taken over 0.35 seconds).
  • Nice handy, protective case
  • Fast (for fast-changing sources).
  • Very sensitive
  • Audio feedback


  • Some of the measurements are in V/m and some in uW/m2
  • Big
  • Expensive

Bottom line:

Very good, easy to use RF Meter, very good for demos and videos.

Where to buy:

Use the links in the below table. Sold be a web store in England. Prices are in British Pound, not including VAT. You may need to pay taxes on supply.  
Buy on


order from
6G Combo + Signal Generator  – 
6G Combo –
3G Combo –
Signal Generator –

The RF EXPLORER is a very cheap, low cost, very nice RF Spectrum analyzer. The key feature of this device is to show you the signals over the frequency span (RF meters show signal over time). Perfect for the semi-professional user and for activists and EHS people that know their way around RF signal analysis. It is not for every user as the operation and understanding of the display require some knowledge in electronics and RF signal formation. 


  • Frequency Range by sub models :
    3G Combo 15-2700MHz
    6G Combo 15-2700MHz, 4850-6100MHz
    Signal Generator – 24MHz – 6000MHz
  • Span – For 15-2700MHz =2-600MHz, for  4850-6100MHz=2-85 MHz span
  • Average Noise Level (dBm) –  -105dBm
  • Amplitude Resolution (dBm) – 0.5
  • Automatic RBW (KHz) – 2.6-812
  • Graphics LCD (pixels) – 128X64
  • RF Impedance (ohms) – 50 ohms
  • Max Input Power (dBm) – For 15-2700MHz =+25dBm, for  4850-6100MHz= +30dBm
  • Frequency Accuracy – For 15-2700MHz =0.5 ppm, , for  4850-6100MHz=10 ppm
  • Frequency Stability – For 15-2700MHz =0.5 ppm, , for  4850-6100MHz=10 ppm
  • Amplitude Stability-   -+1dBm
  • Amplitude Accuracy – For 15-2700MHz =-+3dBm, for  4850-6100MHz= -+6dBm
  • Size(mm) – 113X70X25
  • Weight(grams) – 185g
  • Antennas Included – NA773, Whip 2.4G, R Duck 5.8G


  • Small and light.
  • Very cheap in comparison to other RF Spectrum analyzers.
  • Long battery life
  • USB Connection for charging and data transfer to PC.
  • Available software for PC connection and operation
  • Shows RF signals over the frequency span.
  • Fast response rate
  • Automatic Peak detection with amplitude and frequency values
  • Screen Marker modes – Peak, None, Manual,
  • Calculator: Max Hold, Normal, Max, Average, Overwrite 


  • Not easy to operate.
  • Need basic knowledge in RF signal analysis.
  • Max span is 600MHz, needs 5 sweeps to see all the signals between 15-2700MHz

 The Alpha lab UHS2 ELF EMF Digital Meter


Only $365.00UHS2 meter + Calibration test report + protective rubber 
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Press here to read more info about the UHS2 meter…

Press here to read more info about the UHS2 meter… (NTAL)

The KAISE SK8301 ELF EMF Meter


Press here to read more info about the KAISE SK8301 meter… (NTAL)