In this chapter we will review the basics about DIY measurements of EMF radiation, how to measure, when, where, what to expect, what to do, which meters to use and how to prepare.

EMF Measurement quick start guide with CORNET ED88TPLUS
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Do It Yourself Measurement Techniques
- Test all 3 types of EMF: RF, ELF Magnetic and ELF Electric fields.
- First test the levels of RF and ELF where you sleep, sit, in your working station/desk and places you stay for long hours.
- Scan the house for RF and ELF sources (sources hunt). When you get close to a source of EMF, the levels will go up.
- Scan* the walls, windows, doors, floor and ceiling for RF and ELF penetration points from outside the house or from your neighbors.
- When you suspect an electric or electronic device is causing the high readings, turn it off or pull it out of the electric socket to see if the levels drop when the source is turned OFF or have no power.
- Find the Safety distances from every ELF field source. For RF sources I don’t think there is relay a “safety distance”, just exchange them with other devices that do not emit any RF.
- Decide if and how (when, where, how far away from, for how long) you want to use a device that radiated, according to the measurements you have done.
- Decide if and how to protect your house from ELF and RF radiation from outside according to the outcomes of the measurements. Repeat the measurements before and after the installation.
- Use our most recommended ELF/RF EMF meter (at 2019 it is the CORNET ED88TPLUS ) or select a meter of your choice .
- Make sure the meter you are using has a fast sampling rate in RF mode (at least 1000/sec).
- In RF mode make sure your meter can show MAX PEAK values.
- Make sure you are holding or wearing any wireless devices like smartphones, Bluetooth devices. If you do have them, turn the OFF or to “Flight Mode”. These devices are emitting RF radiation that might interfere with the reading of the meter (the meter will scene it and measure it).
- If you are using a smartphone to capture a video or photos of the measurement, please make sure it is in flight-mode and not emitting any RF or ELF.
- Make sure you are not wearing or holding and rings or metal items that might interfere with the meter’s reading.
- Make sure the Batteries of the meters are full of juice.
We recommend using rechargeable batteries. - Hold the meter in an upright position (vertical axis, Y-Axis) without having your hand block the antenna/RF sensor of the meter.
* The basic principle is that when you get close to a source the levels go up. You need to scan the room
and walls and search for “hot spots”. The source or penetration point will usually be next to the “hot spot”.

When should I measure?
- Measure the ELF and RF fields when and where ever you need.
- Repeat the measurement, in different hours and days, until you understand the patterns of the radiation level changing over time (according to the usage of the electricity network in ELF and the cellular networks in RF) and location(according to the distance to the source).
More recommendations
- Make schematic sketching of the house.
- On the schematic sketching mark the locations you are going to measure with numbers.
- Use a table for writing down the test outcomes. Every raw should be used for a different testing point. Every column should be used for different dates and times you measured.
- When the reading gets steady on the meter’s display, write down the values the meter shows (Peak +Average All) in a table. If the measurement keeps changing write down the Max, Mix and the value that is displayed most of the time.
- According to your understanding of the risk from ELF and RF, mark every cell in the table according to the level measured, red – very high level, yellow-high level, green – law level.
- Lend the EMF meter to friends & family so they can test their houses.
- Become an ambassador for EMF awareness, now that you can use the meter to show people the radiation you are talking about!
3 Axis VS 1 Axis meter
- In a 3 Axis meter, you can hold the meter in every position you like. In a single axis meter hold it in Y-Axis(vertical), then in X-axis(horizontal) and then in Z-axis (depth). In most cases, you will see most of the radiation only in one of the axis.
- If there is radiation in more then one axis, you can calculate the overall radiation by the following formula: =square-root of (X2+Y2+Z2)
- In a single axis meter, while in RF mode, most of the time you will see most of the radiation in the Y axis.
- In a single axis meter, while in ELF magnetic mode, most of the time, 2 axis will show some levels while the third will show very low levels.