EMF Radiation exposure reduction (Electromagnetic Frequencies/Fields, also known as EMF- Electromagnetic Radiation) Radiation, and reducing your use of EMF (Mostly RF -Radio Frequency) emitting devices will help to minimize the effect EMF/EMR will have over you and reduce the symptoms of EHS.

EMF Radiation exposure reduction (number of sources and level of exposure) is the third step in our 4 Steps program. You might need some basic EMF knowledge and some measuring capabilities to find the sources and causes of your exposure. More knowledge will be needed to migrate from wireless devices to wired infrastructure and technologies. The EMF reduction is sometimes followed by EMF Protection, mostly in cases EMF exposure reduction from external sources is not possible.
There is EMF/EMR/RF all around us? what can we do?
Yes, it is true, there is EMF/EMR all around us, but the levels are not the same everywhere. It is nearly impossible to end the exposure altogether, but it is possible to reduce it a lot. The exposure of a person is depended on the number of sources (mainly cellular and wireless devices) he/she uses and has around him/her, and the distance between him and the sources. For example in my house, there are no RF emitting devices right now and I keep a safe distance from electric appliances (and turn them off while not using them). If I will not keep a safe distance from electric appliances my exposure to ELF-EMF will also go up. If I would start using RF emitting devices (smartphones, WIFI routers, WIFI equipment) the RF levels in my house will go up. On the other hand, if you currently have RF emitting devices in your house, the RF levels you are exposed to will go down every time you turn off an RF emitting device or stop using it. As an example, my neighbors have a lot of RF emitting devices in their houses, so their exposure to RF radiation is much higher than mine, even if we enjoy the same low RF neighborhood.
Reduce the use (of EMF/EMR devices)
By reducing the number of EMF-EMR/RF/ELF sources in your environment, reducing the time they are working and keeping a safe distance from them while they work, you can minimize and limit most of your EMF Radiation exposure. When you can’t reduce the exposure coming from external sources, you will need to use EMF protection, but most of the time you will be able to reduce your exposure to EMF Radiation by simple means and actions. Your exposure to EMF Radiation should be metered/measured both by the levels of EMF Radiation, the number of sources emitting the radiation at the same time, and the length of the exposure.
Basic Principles of EMF Radiation exposure reduction
- Reduce the number of EMF sources in the house.
- Increase the distance between you and the sources
- Reduce the time of exposure,
General steps
- Minimize the use of RF radiation emitting devices like mobile and cordless phones.
- Move to wired communication equipment, and turn off the cellphone, smartphone, WIFI, and other wireless devices.
- Move all EMF Radiation sources as far as possible away from you and from places you sleep in, stay in and work in.
- Keep away from Electromagnetic Radiation sources.
- Stop constant transmissions and exposure,
- Operate devices in a way they will not radiate all the time.
- If possible disconnect electric appliances from the power.
- Use an EMF Radiation meter to find EMF Radiation sources and penetration points, to understand their emission and to make sure the steps you take actually reduce your exposure
Specific steps
- Use an Air Tube earpiece or the speaker function, When using the mobile phone.
- Turn off WIFI and 3G/4G Data connection on your smartphone. Turn if ON only for few minutes when you must and turn it OFF after you stop surfing.
- When you do use a cellphone for surfing, try to use your fast RF meter to see which types of network emits less RF radiation (in my country 3G -UMTS emits much less RF radiation than LTE ).
- Remove any DECT devices (cordless phones, baby monitors).
- If you have a Wi-Fi computer communication (router, PCs, and laptops), use it only when there is no other choice and turn it off when not in use.
- Install a wired computer network, to limit the use of your wireless network.
- Unplug all electronics and electric home appliances from the power, when not in use (will also save some electricity).
- Stay away from people who use mobile phones, when they use them.
- Don’t use mobile phones in elevators, underground parking lots, cars, buses, trains, basements.
- Don’t stay long in place in which there is a lot of EMR.
- Use an EMF meter to see and understand the exposure, and then find ways to reduce it.
Video “Preview to EMF/EMR Exposure Reduction” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPA5KWvlGU0
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How does a Mazda 3 2016 rate….is radiation low or should I look at 2014…
I hear they increased radiation on 2017 cars..is this true?
You need to test with an EMF meter.
In each country the models are abit different.
I tested in Israel Mazda 3 2006, 2012, Mazda 6 2012, and all had nice levels of ELF magnetic fields (lower than 10 mG on the foot, less than 4mG on the driver sit).
But as far as RF is concerned some have WIFI and bluetooth.
I don’t know about more advanced models. I am guessing that as the model year progress, there will be more RF sources inside. Some can be found and turned off, some can’t.
For example, the newer cars have a wireless key, witch is RF emitting devices.