The following page includes Scientific experiments and articles that give an additional viewpoint on the possible health effect of EMF.

What happens to your blood when radiated:
A few years ago I came across pictures and articles about live blood cell analysis of humans that were exposed to RF radiation. For years I search for a good, simple, easy to understand video clip that explains the test and shows parts of it.
This video, made by Dr. Magda Havas from the Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada, is the best I have ever seen until today. It is short, self-explanatory and easy to understand. Dr. Magda Havas explains the test and the outcome while showing pictures and videos from the test itself.
The video shows what happens to human blood when exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a computer and also from a cordless phone. The test outcomes are clearly seen and can explain some of the symptoms of Radiation exposure and Electromagnetic Hypersensitive (EHS).
Dr Magda Havas about “Live Blood Analysis”
Does exposure to EMR from DECT phone affect the heart bit?
The answer is yes, exposure to electromagnetic radiation from DECT phone does change the hart bit of some people (electro hypersensitive included). The below video summarises the experiment done by DR. Magda Havas and DR. Jeff Marrongelle that was done in March 2010 and will be published later on in 2010. The experiment tested if exposure to EMR from DECT phones affects people’s heart rate. The outcomes show that it does, watch the following video for more info.
More about Dr. Magda Havas at and
Industry-funded resource vs. independent resource
The chart below was created by Lloyd Morgan and its original (fully functional links to all the studies that appear in the chart as dots) can be found on (see link below). The chart below clearly shows that industry-funded research (in red color) show none or small increased risk while independent resource (in blue) shows that the risk increases a great deal more. In addition some of the industry-funded research show improvement or less risk than the control group. This can be caused by faults in the study or it can really represent a change in the function of the body (that can have good measured aspects but also some hidden bad aspects).