Dirty Electricity Protection is done by two main tactics, the first one is to find and remove the sources, the second one is to install special filters.

Dirty electricity is a mid-frequency electric current noise (100- 100000Hz) that is carried over the electrical wires in your house and that is generated by electronic devices, electronic power converters RF equipment or external sources. The noise is carried around the house over the electricity wires and since the frequency is relatively higher the magnetic fields created by these currents mange to be emitted into the room itself and can be measured even 2 meters from the walls, in the middle of the room(compared with 50 or 60 Hz single that can be found and metered usually only very close to the wires, usually note more then half a meter).
Dirty Electricity filters
The Dirty Electricity filters cut off these frequencies and ground them, so only the 50 or 60 Hz signal can be found on the wires. Therefore they limit the danger of exposure to the LF magnetic fields in your house between 100-100000Hz.
As a byproduct, the filters emit low-level ELF magnetic fields around them. These filters should not be installed next to places where people stay for a long time. Usually, 1-meter safety distance should be enough (sometimes more for EHS people).
It is recommended to test for dirty electricity (DR), with a special numeric meter, before buying any filters. It is also recommended to try and find the sources of the DR and to limit their use before installing the filters (in order to limit the number of the filters needed and by that saving money).
The installation is very simple, just plug it into the electric power socket, and it is on.
I use them at home and in my work and they make me feel better. I remember having a burning sensation in my eyes after I moved to a new office. One day I brought my DR meter and one filter. The meter showed 1500 GS units. This burning sensation disappeared a few minutes after I installed a single filter (level went down to 75 GS units), and returned few minutes after I uninstalled it.
If you would like to purchase Dirty Electricity filters please contact us and we will help or buy them via out amazon store (see below)
After reading the above page, please see our amazon.com store for the Dirty Electricity filters and meter