Definition of 3 levels of EHS?
We define 3 levels of EHS. The different levels are divided by 3 factors:
- The levels of exposure that leads to the appearance of symptoms,
- The severity of symptoms
- The time it takes for them to appear and fade off.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity – Level 1 – Low Sensitivity
A person that feels pain and/or other symptoms, when, or shortly after, using his or her cell-phone or wireless devices. For example a headache a few minutes(not more than 10 minutes) into making a call on the mobile phone.
Recovery time will usually take a few minutes to an hour.
A person who is EHS at a low level will usually not feel cell-phone masts, other peoples’ wireless and cell-phone devices, power lines or electric devices.
At this level, the person is usually unaware of his sensitivity and the cause and keeps his daily routine and exposure. The first level is very widely experienced today by lots of people, most don’t understand it is all part of the same syndrome.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity – Level 2 – Mild
A person that in addition to feeling headaches and/or other symptoms, when, or shortly after, using his or her cell-phone or wireless devices can also “feel” cellphone masts, other peoples’ wireless and cell-phone devices, and in addition also power lines or electric devices. For example a headache few minutes into staying in an area with WIFI reception and use, or when 200 meters in front of a cell phone mast.
Recovery time will usually be a few hours to a full day.
In this level, the symptoms cause problems and limitations in continuing on with the daily routine. Some of the people already notice the relationship between the symptoms and their exposure to EMF.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity – Level 3 – High
A person that can also feel pain and symptoms when in and after every exposure to EMF, even if it can’t be measured by a fast sampling rate EMF meters, from wireless devices, electric appliances, power lines, cell phone towers, and remote infrastructure and devices.
Recovery time will usually be from a few days to weeks.
At this level, most EHS people understand they are EHS and acknowledge the link between their exposure and symptoms. Most of them are usually very limited in their daily operation, they are having symptoms most of the time and will try to limit their exposure to none if possible, meaning they are limited to their house environment (not all EHS people have a “low EMF house environment”). Their ability to function in today’s wireless world is very limited.