Awareness Campaign on the Harmful Effects of Cellular Radiation (RF) Launched in the Haredi Community in Israel
Awareness Campaign on the Harmful Effects of Cellular Radiation Launched in the Haredi Community in Israel
Awareness Campaign on the Harmful Effects of Cellular Radiation Launched in the Haredi Community in Israel
My older kid, now 13 years old, has become EHS (Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitive). The breaking point was at school. It was when all the kids were asked to use their smartphones to fill in an educational quiz.
UNBOXING & TESTING New roll (12/2024) of S240 RF Blocking Fabric
How to use RF protection to block most of the RF emitted from these meters, according to their location in or next to your house/apartment.
A new batch of our S190 Radio Frequency Blocking Fabric is now available in our store ( In this new Video, "Radio Frequency Radiation Blocking Fabric S190—Explaining and testing," I…
a New RF Detector CELLOEYE25Gs-5. up to 24GHz, 5 led light indication, a buzzer, long battery life, can be used as an RF detector, RF alarm
RF Protection Ligonier hat PTL240 It covers the head, neck, and ears. Great for driving, riding, and walking. It is made out of the S240 RF Blocking fabric. Price US$50…
In this video, I will try to show how to record a measurement of EMF radiation (RF for CORNET, and RF/LF magnetic field/LF Electric field for ENV RD10) on your…
RF Radiation from IEC smart meters, that are equipped with a cellular modem, measured in Israel 08-2024 by recording CORNET ED88TPLUS
A special report of ICBE-EMF concludes that EHS is an urgent humanitarian crisis, affecting millions of people around the world.