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This Post Has 6 Comments
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Has President Trump halted 5G rollout in the USA? How can I find out if he has or has not?
I don’t think there is a chance he have or will do halt 5G rollout.
The only smart meter cover, smart meter shield, or smart meter guard, that I could find with true Published Laboratory Tested Data is the RF Meter Shield. A copy of the published Attenuation Data can be found at http://www.rfmetershield.com. Not only is the price very reasonable, it is also easy to install (no tools required).
Luke DeLuke
Hello and thanks for your comment.
Yes it seems to work, but still you need to make sure that there is a metal back to it, and that no RF is coming into the house. I possible “option out” is a better option.
all the best
Your site is very professional.Thanks
Thank you!