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Awareness Campaign on the Harmful Effects of Cellular Radiation Launched in the Haredi Community in Israel

Awareness Campaign on the Harmful Effects of Cellular Radiation (RF) Launched in the Haredi Community in Israel

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Last week, a group of people calling themselves “Graduates of the Great Yeshivas” launched a campaign within the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of cellular radiation in the Haredi community and in the general public in Israel.

From what I understand, they started during Hanukkah, publishing ads in local Haredi media and distributing printed flyers.

I am not Haredi and am not very familiar with the Haredi community, so I haven’t encountered the campaign myself. However, I have already received indications of its existence from others who have come across it.

Eventually, the flyers reached me. They consist of six pages summarizing research and explanations. Putting the graphic design aside, it’s a very impressive piece of work. The materials are well-organized, reflecting thorough research and consideration of the issue from various angles and with notable depth.

Later on, members of the group contacted me and other activists. Since it seems that they are serious about the learning process and execution, and given the impression that their intentions are genuinely to help others and prevent unnecessary suffering and sickness, I will do my best to assist them with knowledge, guidance, information, research, measurement equipment, and technical support.

Awareness Campaign on the Harmful Effects of Cellular Radiation Launched in the Haredi Community in Israel
Awareness Campaign on the Harmful Effects of Cellular Radiation Launched in the Haredi Community in Israel

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