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Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EHS) Awareness Day 16/6/2024

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International Non-Ionizing Radiation (Electromagnetic – EMF) Sensitivity (EHS) Awareness Day falls today, June 16, 2024.

No awareness, more people are being hurt

Today started for me, with emailing back some Electromangeitc HyperSensitive people who are now in a very difficult situation, and they are helpless and hopeless. Although they had early signs of becoming sensitive to EMF, they did not understand what it was all about, did not stop using smartphones and wireless devices, and did not reduce their exposure to EMF. Some even still use cell phones as a single or primary tool.

In my opinion, this is mainly due to the lack of awareness. Lack of awareness of their (not) supportive environment, of their doctors and therapists (to the point of denying damage and denying evening the possibility of radiation sensitivity) backed by biased science publishing bodies, and also because they, sometimes, did not want to admit it.

Now they are facing a challenging situation, despair, inability to continue working, to learn or reduce exposure, and tremendous difficulty in starting to deal with everything together while in a state of constant pain and suffering.

Awareness = More chances for EHS people

That’s why it’s important to spread awareness of Electromagnetic HyperSensitive. First, in order to give people who are starting to feel symptoms more chances. Give them a bigger chance to stop the deterioration before the collapse. In today’s state of denial and lack of awareness, the chance that an ordinary person has, to understand what is causing his symptoms, and what the right actions are, in my opinion, is very small.

Therefore, it is up to us, people who have already managed to cope with EHS, even partially, to spread awareness and hope. To show the way to handle this condition, to help others understand what they are suffering from, and what steps need to be taken. It is important to show that it is possible to live your life as an EHS person, with limitations but still have a good life (most of the days). People who do the right steps can get better and can find their place in the world. Our life is a bit different (old-school: wired PC, no cellphones, no smartphone, no wireless devices, using EMF meters, using EMF protection) but still a life.

More info about EHS

  1. EHS –
  2. EHS self-diagnostic –
  3. EHS Symptoms –
  4. First steps in handling EHS –
  5. Full guide to handling EHS –
  6. Personal Stories of EHS people that got better (even a bit better counts) –