Today it the international Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) awareness day. Across the world suffers, activist and organizations mark this day. EHS is a health condition in which a person feels symptoms when and after exposure to non ionizing radiation. This exposure has become very common and most people in the modern world today are chronically exposed to high levels or EMF. Most of the exposure is to Radio frequency(RF) radiation from their smartphones and wireless equipment. As years goes by, the exposure is getting stronger and stronger, with more devices and more infrastructure emitting EMF around us.
Which type of radiation are we talking about?
The main radiation emitted from wireless devices (both personal, household devices, and infrastructure component like cell towers) is RF radiation, a type of non-ionizing radiation. This is in addition to ELF magnetic and electric fields that have shortare effect distances.

Safety standards protect the industry, not health
The so called safety standards, that are suppose to protect us from the effect of this radiation, are very high and protect the industry. These standards are based on the wrong assumption that the only possible effect of RF radiation is heat which is created in very high level. These high standards allow high exposure of both from devices and from cellular towers.
In reality it is a different story. More and more science show biological and health effect of RF radiation in levels far below (100000 time lower) then those allowed by the standards. Industry founded and influenced studies claim that EHS is not caused by EMF radiation. While a growing number of independent studies show the biological markers or EHS, its relation and link to EMF exposure, and allow better understanding of the problem. In addition, many more people start to suffer from exposure related symptoms. Most of which don’t understand the connection between the use of RF emitting device, to their symptoms. They stay on the dark, regarding the cause of their symptoms, continue to use emitting devices, and search for the cause of their illness elsewhere.
No official acknowledgement
While the scientific discussion continues, the acknowledgment of EHS by medical and government bodies is poor. The public is not aware of the possibility that smartphones, cell towers and wireless device can cause health effect and specifice symptoms.
EHS usually starts with headaches, heat sensation , heart rate changes, dizziness and other symptoms while, or after, using smartphones and other wireless devices. When the condition becomes worse, the symptoms appear much quicker, and last for longer.
In this high EMF world of ours, EHS people struggle to find & keep a job,and a place to live. They struggle to commute, either by car or public transportation. Every aspect of life becomes an issue, a cause for pain. learning, working, making a living, being in public spaces, shopping, traveling, being around other people, all come at a price, and we EHS people pay with pain.

Most sufferers don’t understand what is wrong
Because of lack of awareness and official medical acknowledgment, most sufferers don’t understand the cause of their symptoms and continue to use EMF emitting devices. Some develop different theories to explain their condition and symptoms. Other overgo medical procedures and diagnostic that in some cases can even make their EHS condition worse.
The lack of awareness and official acknowledgment leads to more people being hurt (as the usage and deployment continues uninterrupted, and with people not taking precautions steps) and to the mistreatment of those who are hurt. The deployment, marketing and sells of new technologies and devices are considered to be a must, as industry continue to make a profit while people get hurt and suffer.
More people are getting hurt
While the industry and cellular companies continue to make profit, more and more people are becoming EHS, and more EHS will continue to suffer. Improvement in the EHS condition of a person will most likely happen after few days/weeks of exposure reduction. This can happen only if an EHS person understand the source of his/her symptoms and is willing to take steps to stop the use and reduce the exposure. The lack of acknowledgment, both by medical professionals and government institutes, not only make it harder on EHS people to function, but also make it harder on people to find out the cause for their symptoms. These unknowingly EHS continue to use their devices and continue to be exposed to EMF, while their condition deteriorated.
Acknowledgment, understanding, and solidarity
EHS awareness day was created to change this. We hope to create more awareness to EHS, and to the health effect of EMF exposure.
I hope that this day will help more people understand the relation and link between their smartphone and wireless devices usage and their symptoms. I hope that this understanding will allow more people to chose to reduce their use and exposure, which I believe will have a dramatic effect on their symptoms . Learning about EMF, measuring EMF, putting a stop to the endless use of smartphone and wireless devices, and more steps of exposure reduction, are all tools and ways to handle EHS. As more of us will be aware, and more will make their condition known, more people will be able to help themself, & will be able to push for world wide acknowledgment of EHS as a medical condition caused by exposure to EMF.
An additional goal for this day, it to create more solidarity & support between EHS people across the world. EMF effects people from all sizes, age, religion, countries, tribes and nationalities. Even people that don’t believe that EMF can cause health effects, can be affected. EMF exposure don’t discriminate. The mutual support and help between EHS people, across the globe, is something we must develop and improve.
About EHS in our info site – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/
EHS self diagnosis – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/ehs-self-diagnosis/
Coping with EHS – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/handling-ehs/
First steps in exposure reduction – https://www.norad4u.com/guides/no-rads-step-by-step-guide-for-emf-initial-exposure-reduction/
My EHS story – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/ehs-stories/amir-borenstein/
Other EHS stories – https://www.norad4u.com/ehs/ehs-stories/
About EHS awareness day:
I went on disability from work for 18 years and no doctor “really” knew what was wrong with me. I finally figured it out myself after investigation 5G and radiation. I had 21 symptoms and just before I figured it out I thought I was going to die. Life was getting sucked out of me, that was Nov. 2019.
After about a year and a half now I feel more like myself. I hard wired everything I could and got an eco router, Qi home Cell and a Qi Shield to carry around with me, EMF clothing, and an EMF reader .
It’s a long story but this is it in a nutshell, it was hell for 18 years. My 2 cats got sick too and I had to put them down. One cat lost her mind and the other got cancer, they were indoor cats that could not get away from the strong radiation my router was giving out, it was extremely high. That is what got me our extremely strong router that I was not aware of …..until I was.
If EHS was widely acknowledged , you would probably find out much earlier and would save lots of suffering.
I think they are many more in the same state and condition.