EHS Self Diagnosis – in a nutshell
EHS Self Diagnosis – We will ask you a few questions about your condition and symptoms. The answers to these questions will allow you to Seld Diagnosis of your EHS condition.
If you experience one or more of the following symptoms you might be an EHS person:
- Headaches after using cell phones
- Heat sensation after using cell phones
- Headaches after using wireless PC, being next to WIFI routers, after few hours in the office or in a direct view line of a cell phone antenna.
- If you suffer from Chronic fatigue related to exposure to EMF
- Dizziness after using a cellphone or wireless PCs
- “Ants like sensation” (tingling sensation) in legs, hands, and head after using laptops or cellphones
We define 3 levels of EHS
Please see
Headaches – The first sign of EHS
The first sign of Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity (EHS) is the appearance of a severe headache after using cellphones or after exposure to Electromagnetic radiation. These headaches usually start at the end of the head, on one side, and move forward until they become paralyzing headaches. The next step,of EHS, is the appearance of other symptoms. With EHS becoming more severe the appearance frequency, and severity of the symptoms and headaches will intensify dramatically until the quality of life and the person’s ability to function is reduced. Usually, the severity of EHS increases with exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation and decreases with reducing the exposure (until the next exposure).
What should you do if you think you are an EHS person?
First emergency measures to cope with EHS
- Stop using your cell-phone
- Stop using wireless PC and laptops (and all wireless devices that you are aware of)
- Learn all there is to know about EMR and EHS
- Get an EMR meter (both RF and ELF) and start measuring your surrounding at home and work
- Use the EMF meter to find radiation sources and penetration points
- Continue to minimize your exposure to EMF (all types) in any possible way (find, try to find ways to stop the emission, turn it off, change to a wired device)
- Run some medical tests to make sure it is not something else
- Continue to follow “The four steps program”
- Continue to read the “handling EHS” (need to add link) page on this site.
More steps
If you think you are an EHS you should first see a medical doctor for checkup and analysis. Symptoms similar to EHS can also be caused by other medical conditions and problems that should be and will be taken care of by your medical doctor. If the doctors’ analysis is that you are healthy then the cause of the symptoms might be an EHS condition.
Please note that most medical doctors don’t know about EHS, they can’t and/or won’t give you a clear diagnosis and in most cases, modern medicine will offer you only symptomatic treatment. If you can find a doctor that understands EHS and agrees that it is caused by exposure to EMF. In any case remember that it is up to you to start learning and gaining knowledge about EMF and EHS, and to limit your exposure to EMF, both RF, and ELF, as part of the No Rad’s 4 steps program and the “Handling of EHS” guide (need to add link).
You are more than welcome to contact us and we will try to help you along the way.
Please remember
Not every headache is because of EHS and on the other hand, EHS is not the only physical problem and condition that EMF causes.
ReadProf – CRMLA